Comments received on poems by dusk arising

but unbeaten
Rozina said:

Lovely lines and very real and relatable.

February 17th, 2022 08:49

but unbeaten
spilleronsheet said:

Empowering and boosting my morales
I am scared
I am hesitant
To the opportunities life throws at me
And these lines like an armour
“ so if i seem a little hesitant
please dont think it that i dont want
and if i seem a little slow to start
i\'m only proctecting my beating heart

battered but unbeaten
my beating heart”
Truly inspiring

February 17th, 2022 08:49

but unbeaten
L. B. Mek said:

so relatable!
thanks for sharing it again Dusk

February 17th, 2022 05:57

dont ask me why
Rozina said:

I won’t ask why. My parents couldn’t understand us when we were teenagers. I couldn’t understand why my children were a certain way when they were teenagers. The cycle goes on….Great lines.

February 17th, 2022 02:14

dont ask me why
Paul Bell said:

The great thing is, you\'re not alone, every little spotty adolescent felt the same. Nobody understood why my long hair took ages to get just right.
Sure, I lost a year of life through that.

February 16th, 2022 10:42

dont ask me why
Rocky Lagou said:

I felt the movement of the transitions in this piece. The feelings that become jumbled and untangled are all so welcoming to the reader but also allows for us to reflect on our own lives. 🌈👏 Nicely done!

February 16th, 2022 09:41

dont ask me why
Rozina said:

Full of strong emotions. A powerful poem to be read again and pondered.

February 16th, 2022 08:44

dont ask me why
spilleronsheet said:

An intriguing poetry
Where I won’t ask you why
Cause those questions evolved and haunt me now
To those questions I don’t have reply
Circumstances maybe different but they keep me from dozing by
A very suitable title
Very well penned dear dusk

February 16th, 2022 07:36

dont ask me why
FallenAngel1🕊 said:

Wow dusk,such a poignant writing. The last two lines gave me shivers. And they weren’t caused by my Canadian winter. Cheers 🍻🕊

February 16th, 2022 07:27

bloody tower
Rozina said:

Enthralling poem. Fantastic imagery.

February 14th, 2022 22:15

bloody tower
spilleronsheet said:

A fairy tale revived
The old romantic loves in fantasy inside
The king in armour
The love locked up in tower
The witch that hides, laments the love that she misses inside
Another treasured tale you recite
Good one dear dusk…

February 14th, 2022 12:53

Rocky Lagou said:

The imagery in this piece is so touching. I love the wording and the emphasis of LOVE. Happy Valentine\'s dear poet! 👍💖

February 14th, 2022 10:01

bloody tower
L. B. Mek said:

a great read! thanks for sharing again Dusk
fantasy to get lost in

February 14th, 2022 05:27

bloody tower
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words of olden days d a.


February 14th, 2022 01:54

Jerry Reynolds said:

Wow dusk, that is a beauty.

February 13th, 2022 18:11

spilleronsheet said:

A beautiful imagery flowed
Awestruck with the songbird
Well penned dear Dusk
Totally defining the journey of love

February 13th, 2022 15:26

Michael Edwards said:

A real corker with such original lines - love it and a fave.

February 13th, 2022 02:59

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful words d a, may that songbird always sing of love to you.


February 13th, 2022 01:52

nobody understands
Goldfinch60 said:

Fine words d a, those special friends are so very important in our lives.


February 13th, 2022 01:48

Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Loved every line ! Such a beautiful feel to your words . 🙂🙂 had to favourite this ..

There’s a gentleness to your words .. and a nice flow

I know it’s valentines tomorrow

February 13th, 2022 01:21

nobody understands
Rozina said:

Happy moments, sad moments, all making up our memories in life. Beautifully expressed.

February 12th, 2022 18:36

nobody understands
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Nicely expressed poem ., dusk 🙂

February 12th, 2022 10:18

nobody understands
spilleronsheet said:

A moment of togetherness
A desire to carry those threads long
Unfortunately its sad it didn’t last long
That poetry made me nostalgic as it connected me when once we shared our insanity…..

February 12th, 2022 08:44

one of those nights
Goldfinch60 said:

Those cute little mushrooms have a great deal for which to answer do they not d a?


February 12th, 2022 01:45

one of those nights
Doggerel Dave said:

Creeping me out, your Gothic magic mushroom job - thanks for nothing...😁

February 11th, 2022 19:04

one of those nights
L. B. Mek said:

a great, dreamscape of a read..
thanks for sharing Dusk

February 11th, 2022 06:39

one of those nights
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Nightmares are not nice .I’ve had bad dreams in the past and some are so vivid too .

We all want nice relaxing sleep and nice dreams )

February 11th, 2022 06:02

one of those nights
spilleronsheet said:

An incredible imagery flowed
And my nightmares came about
Literally gave me goosebumps
Nice play with words dear dusk

February 11th, 2022 05:44

Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words d a, Sol is so very important in our lives.


February 11th, 2022 01:33

Rozina said:

Stunning lines and imagery. Wonderful poem.

February 10th, 2022 23:38

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