Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Passed on the left
dusk arising said:

Great stuff Dan..... here you express our moods and how they change. It\'s clear to see here that you definitely do have a positive outlook.

February 23rd, 2022 09:49

Keep sailing on
spilleronsheet said:

An intriguing poetry
Laced with lines of inner reflection
The deep insights that contours, very well crafted dear poet
I agree in many folds on the lines that you wrote…

February 22nd, 2022 03:17

Keep sailing on
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Dan and so true but what we must do is grab every moment we have with both hands and enjoy every one of them.


February 22nd, 2022 01:46

Keep sailing on
Neville said:

filled to the point of overflowing with universal truths ... tis nowt short of brill Dan and I aint talking fish ... N :)

February 21st, 2022 16:07

A little Thank you
Goldfinch60 said:

That glow will become brighter in your life Dan, you have come a long way and all is going to be wonderful.


February 21st, 2022 02:05

A little Thank you
Rozina said:

Encouragement and positive input gives us all the motivation to continue. Your message is true.

February 21st, 2022 00:39

A little Thank you
Neville said:

simply sensational sir ... a great message & gesture combined .. N :)

February 20th, 2022 16:02

Adventuring on
Rozina said:

Great adventure, enjoying nature. Lovely lines indeed.

February 18th, 2022 03:19

Adventuring on
Laura🌻 said:


‘As we\'re all waiting for our time to go adventuring in this world.’

Ah…such prophetic words are making me wonder and think of this new unforeseen adventure of mine which has begun. Always a pleasure to read your work.

Thank you for sharing.


February 17th, 2022 12:54

Adventuring on
Rocky Lagou said:

Wanderlust encapsulated in one beautiful poem. As a gypsy myself I felt this poem! 👏❣

February 16th, 2022 09:51

Adventuring on
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Dan, just keep on adventuring in your life.


February 16th, 2022 01:53

Adventuring on
spilleronsheet said:

An epic tale
Another fantasy
Another journey
Giving positive vibes
Welcoming the spring in its blooming time
Well crafted dear Poetic Dan

February 15th, 2022 15:28

Adventuring on
L. B. Mek said:

(when I so your name
a smile as wide as my screen
glued itself to my face,
when I read your words
a drop of solace, as weighty
as my love for poetry
settled itself within me..)
from one \'tadpole\'
(awaiting those promised adventures)
to a true Poet
who shines bright and shows us
how to make everyday an adventure,
I thank you, brother
for your words of impassioned resolve and hope!
a great write, my friend

February 15th, 2022 05:35

Adventuring on
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Great writing , Dan ! 🙂 I love this ..

February 15th, 2022 03:33

It can be fun!
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun words Dan.


February 15th, 2022 01:56

It can be fun!
spilleronsheet said:

A fun read
Took me on a trail of walking carefree
Watching them play
Great rhyme dear poetic Dan, cause I hardly rhyme…..

February 15th, 2022 00:55

It can be fun!
Rozina said:

I like your rhyming poem. It was fun to read.

February 14th, 2022 21:44

It can be fun!
Crowns4Christ said:

This is so cute Dan

February 14th, 2022 17:19

It can be fun!
Rocky Lagou said:

OK, apart from me finding the first line ironic when linking it to the image above. \"A dog under the sun\" This was witty and fun. Rhyming is such a joyful tool. 👏

February 14th, 2022 14:21

It can be fun!
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

And great writing ! 🙂 I hardly ever rhyme in my poems .. maybe I should try one day

Hope your feeling ok tiday

February 14th, 2022 13:00

Straight from the soul, it\'s all I know
🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽 said:

You\'ve conveyed the stress and angst feel well and swell in a great poem many can relate so you\'re not alone. Kudos!

Plz do read and comment my newest poem too.
Happy valentines day, poets.

February 14th, 2022 05:14

Straight from the soul, it\'s all I know
Goldfinch60 said:

You are aware of that metamorphosis into good times Dan as you have found them before so you know they are there, just think of those good times and they will bring you back from the depths into joy.


February 9th, 2022 01:45

Straight from the soul, it\'s all I know
Crowns4Christ said:

Very powerful Dan

February 8th, 2022 14:55

Straight from the soul, it\'s all I know
Lorna said:

Dear Dan - good one. I feel for you having had only minor ibs symptoms in my life which seem to have cleared up - it\'s really dreadful when full blown. Here\'s hoping - also try Heathers\' site: - she has SO much info on there.

February 8th, 2022 14:36

If only for a second
Goldfinch60 said:

\"Becoming a part of natures patter\" such wonderful words Dan.


January 24th, 2022 01:53

If only for a second
Eugene S. said:

I need those moments more and more. Nicely said.

January 23rd, 2022 14:57

If only for a second
Michael Edwards said:


January 23rd, 2022 12:55

If only for a second
dusk arising said:

Your line \"With fate in my hand drifting with no plan\" describes my life these days since I retired and am having to shield still. Roll on the warmer months I\'ll be out and about again.

January 23rd, 2022 09:31

Just another dreamer
Goldfinch60 said:

That peace and harmony is getting stronger within you each moment Dan and soon that dream will be reality.


January 23rd, 2022 02:37

I know you don\'t want to but we all will
spilleronsheet said:

So emotional
The words are simply jewels coming straight from heart
And so adorable kid

January 22nd, 2022 11:48

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