Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

Love & hurt
Goldfinch60 said:

Most of my memories are so good from my long life Dan, I am sure that yours will be as well.


January 11th, 2022 01:39

Love & hurt
spilleronsheet said:

A few lines conveyed a tale
Such beauty dictating as you nail
The verse went deeper imbibed
Coated with many verses of life
Truly captivated by the words as you weave by
May you make more memories
You already am sure made many
Or else how would such jewels be created in such beautiful lines

January 10th, 2022 11:58

Love & hurt
dusk arising said:

I think that right now Dan you are making some of the best memories which you will re-live time and again.... and better times are ahead. Do you feel a better man now tthat you know you are one?

January 10th, 2022 11:32

Love & hurt
Caring dove said:

Memories are so important . So lucky if we have a lot of good ones ..

A nice writing , Dan )

January 10th, 2022 03:51

We all need to breathe
Rozina said:

I love your poem and video. Thank you.

January 10th, 2022 02:28

We all need to breathe
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words and superb pictures Dan, that love from you to them and them to you is so resilient in your life and it will always be so.


January 10th, 2022 01:13

We all need to breathe
spilleronsheet said:

Such beautiful lines
More precious when could relate to memory of yours
When you meet next make new memories to frame
It’s never late to spend time again
They were child back then
Now you can be child with them
A very heartfelt poetry my dear friend
Reminded me to keep making sweet memories

January 9th, 2022 14:09

We all need to breathe
Laura🌻 said:

Hello Dan!

My first read of the day. I enjoyed the video very much along with your inspirational scripted poem. Thank you for sharing your author’s comments. I love your words,
‘Let nothing stand in our path when love is the heart.’ So beautifully stated.

Laura 🌻

January 9th, 2022 11:33

We all need to breathe
Caring dove said:

Some beautiful lines in here , Dan

love builds a bridge for all spirit to part

Before you know it you\'ll write poetry in memory of all that made you strong, to dance the rest of the days to any emotional song

Such lovely words

I think it’s difficult to be believe that life is for living … when we are caught up in pain .. but your right it completely is for living

Something that I find very confusing .,

I guess it’s difficult not to spend as much time with your kids .. as you perhaps want to

I’ve had an ‘ on and off ‘ relationship with my dad for a while now . Met up with him a few weeks ago , made me feel sad about time not seeing him , but it was nice !
Relationships can always improve between people .

January 9th, 2022 11:26

A door never open but lifes worth holding
Rozina said:

To acknowledge that you have a mental health concern is a huge brave step you have taken. I applaud you.
My daughter had an eating disorder and I discovered how difficult and depressing life was for her and the grave worries the family had. She has recovered. Never give up. All the very best to you.

January 9th, 2022 08:56

A door never open but lifes worth holding
Goldfinch60 said:

Mental health is certainly precious Dan, you have come a long way though Dan and I am sure you will come into that wonderful life that I know is there for you.


January 9th, 2022 01:34

A door never open but lifes worth holding
spilleronsheet said:

Thank you for sharing your woes
Mental health is very crucial and it’s good you are facing it
Your courageous step to accept it
I am pretty sure soon you will overcome it
I wish you luck
You will soon
Cause the best part is you have already start healing
Have always admired your poetry

January 8th, 2022 12:35

A door never open but lifes worth holding
Caring dove said:

Hello Dan .. I’m sorry that you struggle with eating . Brave of you to open up on here . Our mental health can affect our eating I guess and it goes the other way aswell , lack of eating affecting us mentally .

I hope things improve for you in regards to this

I’ve been told recently that I have an eating disorder … just because I’ve lost weight , and to me that’s ridiculous , because I eat really well !

We can hold so many emotions in our bodies ,

Have you tried eft emotional freedom technique to help with how you feel ?

No need to say sorry ..

Our mental health is so important tho .. I understand how difficult it is to struggle with it

January 8th, 2022 11:36

What\'s truly earned can\'t be taken
Garth Rakumakoe said:

I have a twelve year old daughter. I can identify as a father. This piece write here, is INSPIRATION. Thank you Dan.

January 8th, 2022 03:34

Here & now For a better finale
Garth Rakumakoe said:

\"Here and now once looked so far away\" . From your write I pick lessons from a life I haven\'t even lived. This is a powerful piece, PD. So much real life woven into it, with its ups and downs. This is definitely a favorite for me. Thank you sir.

January 8th, 2022 03:07

Here & now For a better finale
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful Dan, the finale of your life is going to be so very wonderful, it is so very good at the moment though, appreciate every moment of it.


January 8th, 2022 01:48

Here & now For a better finale
Rozina said:

Some sadness but so positive words now. Beautiful.

January 7th, 2022 23:11

What\'s truly earned can\'t be taken
spilleronsheet said:

Congrats dear Dan….such a beautiful voice and it is for sure you must be proud….wonderful poetry dear poet

January 7th, 2022 21:44

Here & now For a better finale
Eugene S. said:

A better finale is what we all need. Well expressed!

January 7th, 2022 19:44

Here & now For a better finale
Saxon Crow said:

\'To try and give my love in part time showers.\' Words of genius that I can relate too. In fact the whole poem is relatable Dan. Brilliant.

January 7th, 2022 10:30

Here & now For a better finale
Caring dove said:

Great writing , Dan 🙂 I especially love these lines

My tears run down the valley and now meadows can be felt for miles

walking hand in hand with harmony.

Writing can be so helpful

Glad it helps you

Happy Friday to you ))

January 7th, 2022 07:44

Here & now For a better finale
L. B. Mek said:

\'To try and give all my love in just a part time showers

Still grateful for marriage that started it off
but two homes were better than one
that didn\'t get along\'

January 7th, 2022 07:44

What\'s truly earned can\'t be taken
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Dan, she is going a long way in her life.


January 7th, 2022 01:38

What\'s truly earned can\'t be taken
Rozina said:

I love this. Thank you.

January 7th, 2022 00:39

What\'s truly earned can\'t be taken
Caring dove said:

Your lucky , Dan and I bet she’s proud of herself . Thanks for sharing video .. she has a nice singing voice )

January 6th, 2022 15:07

What\'s truly earned can\'t be taken
dusk arising said:

Well that gal is gonna go far if thats only a 2nd open mike gig Dan. Now she should do some home/portastudio recordings to build the dynamics/mic tecnique which is never easy/impossible in a pub environment cos theres too much other noise going on. Great to see she\'s got the confidence. You\'re a proud dad eh?

January 6th, 2022 14:56

Comfort in a name
Caring dove said:

I especially love the last two lines , Dan )

It doesn’t always feel that way tho , that we can create because we feel we can .

I know I can certainly have times where I feel I can’t get to what I want .. and I don’t feel that sense of inner empowerment and strength .

January 6th, 2022 03:18

Comfort in a name
Goldfinch60 said:

That magic has become part of you Dan and you are moving into a wonderful place in your life, and may it always be so.


January 6th, 2022 01:35

Comfort in a name
Michael Edwards said:

Keep writing Dan - you have an accomplished pen and here\'s to more in the coming year.

January 5th, 2022 13:49

Comfort in a name
spilleronsheet said:

Very encouraging write
Good going dear poetic Dan

January 5th, 2022 13:09

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