Comments received on poems by 13LaurenD

You Got This
pkgboy49 said:

You certainly do have this ..!!

July 4th, 2023 12:58

jewelwrites55 said:

Your hard work is not in vain and your poem is beautiful. Knowing you want to better yourself is the first step. Thank you for sharing such a vulnerable poem. Stay as strong as you can and be kind to yourself on your journey.

July 3rd, 2023 14:19

Keep Moving Forward
peto said:

Feel it Lauren
Frothy emotional appeal seldom suffices
It takes one to know one
Not their fault
If you are taking self inventory as it appears you are
Keep writing and a lot
Dont listen to me or any other \"expert \"
About how it should be
Sack the snide
Take whatever works
Keep moving forward

June 30th, 2023 17:46

Keep Moving Forward
David Wakeling said:

i tried to read this but it kept on going and going and going.I gave up.The message if there is one could be said in a fraction of the number of words.Verbose

June 30th, 2023 17:32

Keep Going
Bobby O said:

In order to reach that glory ..:
Wishing they had stayed on your team,,,

I for sure certainly would have stayed.
I like the phrases and your use of cadenced rhyme. You go Girl!

June 23rd, 2023 23:51

Keep Going
peto said:

Nothing changes if nothing changes

To thine own self be true
Very positive writing
You appear to be on a journey of discovery
Enjoy every step
Cleverly placed rhyme to enhance

June 23rd, 2023 13:42

Carry On
peto said:

Got a vibe you may be 5 days into recovery (85 days line)
Loved the strength coming from self searching
Well on your way
Glad you found this platform
Keep em coming
Enjoyed the rhyme also

June 18th, 2023 12:05

I\'m Happy To See That You\'re Okay
L. B. Mek said:

the one\'s who get destroyed
in a breakup
are the one\'s who loved the most
the one\'s, capable
of bravely, giving it everything
holding back nothing
and the one\'s, most likely
to find that \'love\', we all dream about
or at the very least, live their lives
free of regret
so, yeah
tears have our eyes looking like
and everyone else, tells us we\'re
losing, by caring so much
after the fact
but, deep down
we know this grief period
is a reward for the sincerity
we imbue into everything we do
in life
(more power to your Truth, dear poet
stay strong!)
thanks for sharing

June 9th, 2023 03:11

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