Comments received on poems by AuburnScribbler

The Guy Who Waved
Bella Shepard said:

You\'ve brought attention to something that should be reflexive in us, and sadly too many will ignore these days. A smile and a wave cost nothing, but reap such rewards. Science has proven that a smile is contagious, and a wave is acknowledgement of a fellow human being. I love that you have tackled this dilemma, awareness is the first step. Great write!

March 7th, 2024 14:47

The Guy Who Waved
peto said:

Fantastic read scribbler
A mob I\'m glad I\'m not a part of
The last verse is a stunning finale
Waving back my friend

March 7th, 2024 12:35

Stir Your Broth in a Helmet (For Dave Myers, A Hairy Biker, Rest in Peace)
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful tribute to Dave Myers Ben, he was so good to watch.


March 4th, 2024 02:15

Stir Your Broth in a Helmet (For Dave Myers, A Hairy Biker, Rest in Peace)
Teddy.15 said:

A very kind and warm gentleman, funny and his passion of food and life was like most who leave earth early extraordinary. I saw some clips of him dancing and he made me smile. A kind dedication. 🌹

March 3rd, 2024 13:45

Pic, Pack, Happy Slap, Gift a Sod a Throne (The B-Side to a Nursery Rhyme)
Goldfinch60 said:

War is created by people too old to fight for those too young to die.


March 1st, 2024 02:47

Cajon (An Acrostic)
Goldfinch60 said:

At the jazz sessions I go to I have often seen cajons played Ben they are great fun.


February 28th, 2024 02:25

Cajon (An Acrostic)
Teddy.15 said:

Very much enjoyed dear friend. 🌹

February 27th, 2024 14:44

The Palace on the River
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words Ben, we just cannot trust politicians.


February 27th, 2024 02:24

The Palace on the River
Bella Shepard said:

Sadly dear friend, this is a universal theme, and you speak the truth of it most eloquently. Division seems to be the rule of the day, and those in power feed hungrily upon it to satisfy their own appetites. It will take a supreme effort on the part of all the people, and I don\'t know if there is the will to do it. I want to say that there is still hope, but I don\'t know any more what to hope for. You keep it real, thank you!

February 26th, 2024 16:40

A Retort, To Mr. and Mrs. Cancel
Goldfinch60 said:

If ever I have to cancel anything Ben there has to be a very good reason for me to do so.


February 21st, 2024 02:41

Quiz Whore
Goldfinch60 said:

Good fun write Ben, I too like quizzes and used to quiz for a pub, it was great fun.


February 14th, 2024 02:48

Quiz Whore
Thomas W Case said:

Hysterical. Great work.

February 14th, 2024 00:14

If Every Day’s a Monday
Goldfinch60 said:

Luckily Ben having been retired for twelve years this year every day is Saturday. LOL


February 9th, 2024 02:18

If Every Day’s a Monday
Teddy.15 said:

Awe come to live in Florence where every day is different 🌹

February 8th, 2024 12:10

Our Bombed Seas (about the Red Sea attacks) (to the rhythm of \"Beyond the Sea\" by Bobby Darin)
Teddy.15 said:

I cannot believe what I am seeing each day on the news, just like when there was a world epidemic it just doesn\'t feel real even though it is. I hope we will find some diplomacy along the way not just lunecey because our planet deserves better. ❤️

February 3rd, 2024 08:40

What\'s in the Bag?
Bella Shepard said:

This is so much fun, and the chorus superb. The consumate guessing game, played by a pro. So well done my friend!

February 2nd, 2024 14:44

What\'s in the Bag?
peto said:

Superb writing scribbler
The rhyme is amazing and the chorus gives it a song like quality
The notes put the reader in the pub with you
Thoroughly enjoyed reading

February 1st, 2024 16:35

Mortal-Hamas-ment (Israeli Shout) (Friend of Israel)
Goldfinch60 said:

Fine write Ben, any war does not bring anything to anyone except death and hatred.


January 31st, 2024 02:28

Mortal-Hamas-ment (Israeli Shout) (Friend of Israel)
Doggerel Dave said:

HI Ben - Is \'please do stay everyone\' a typo or intentional? Either way, It is very apt inasmuch as you almost got me, and I suspect others to run away. The situation there is unspeakable for both sides, and as I am fond of remarking whenever 9/11 is mentioned,: \'Tragic. Innocent people die in war.\'
A brave attempt though.

January 30th, 2024 20:12

Mortal-Hamas-ment (Israeli Shout) (Friend of Israel)
Bella Shepard said:

Sadly, here everyone loses. A perpetual war machine, deadlocked in death and destruction. As in any war the innocent pay the price. A very powerful write my friend.

January 30th, 2024 15:44

Holey Land (Palestine’s Alight) (Friend of Palestine)
Goldfinch60 said:

Such true words Ben, if only they realised.


January 28th, 2024 02:49

Holey Land (Palestine’s Alight) (Friend of Palestine)
2781 said:

I often wonder of the outcome if we turned the other cheek.

January 27th, 2024 18:54

Holey Land (Palestine’s Alight) (Friend of Palestine)
Lorenz said:

A very relevant reflection !

January 27th, 2024 14:17

Goldfinch60 said:

I agree with you words Ben, what right have we to send people to other countries!


January 22nd, 2024 02:23

Doggerel Dave said:

Yes - Australia has been at it too and has sometimes been cited as a model for such migration policies. I think strenuous efforts have been made to modify or almost dismantle overseas processing, but as in many areas of Govt policy absolute irrefutable facts are hard to find. But I do believe Australia can claim to be a pioneer in this field...........!

January 22nd, 2024 01:00

Bella Shepard said:

A fine write my friend, on a subject that bears universal conversation about who we are as human beings. We have a southern border crisis here in my own country, with bitter divisions as to what to do, it has been going on for decades, and I can\'t see any resolution ever coming when the two political parties can\'t agree on anything. I\'ve often wondered what those in opposition would do if the tables were turned, and they were the asylum seekers.
It\'s too easy to say no when it\'s not happening to you. Love your courage, love your words!

January 21st, 2024 13:35

Lorenz said:

Remigration is now a global european policy .

January 21st, 2024 11:11

Three-Part Harmony
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true Ben, but I would put it into four part harmony lie the Choirs in which I have sung and am singing.


January 20th, 2024 03:03

Written on \"Blue Monday\"
Goldfinch60 said:

In any \'blue\' times we must think of the good times we have and that will come in our lives Ben.


January 16th, 2024 02:20

Written on \"Blue Monday\"
Eugene S. said:

Interesting - the whole Blue Monday thing. Love your poetic opposition. Seems I fell for the \'blue\' part as an American, no less. I\'ll have to remember the third Monday next January, and join your opposition!

January 15th, 2024 17:06

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