Comments received on poems by Fay Slimm.

Christina8 said:

Wonderful poem! I am used to the great lakes (they can get quite wicked too) but those that go out to sea and must face her temper \"deserve our praise\" as you said so well. A pleasure to read!

September 8th, 2017 07:04

Back Then.
Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful write once again Fay.

September 8th, 2017 01:01

Back Then.
Accidental Poet said:

oh, the memories those rear view mirrors can give. This is a jewel of a write Fay. Loved reading. Thanks for sharing. ; )

September 7th, 2017 20:07

Back Then.
FredPeyer said:

Faye, only you could write about memories that beautifully!
Great poem!

September 7th, 2017 19:16

Back Then.
dusk arising said:

Beautiful oh to live those bygone days again eh? lovely writing, lovely emotion Fay.

September 7th, 2017 18:52

Back Then.
Michael Edwards said:

Fizzing, bubbling language and a great result

September 7th, 2017 11:28

Back Then.
orchidee said:

All that happened. Never knew there was so much time gone by, for all that! That\'s a lot of stuff happened \'then\'! A fine write Fay.

September 7th, 2017 08:08

So Met.

Thanks FAY \"I know that I will never see ~ anything as awesome as a TREE ! Thanks for sharing ~ Yours as ever BRIAN

September 6th, 2017 17:23

So Met.
Sepala Weliwitigoda said:

Great write. All plants have the will to survive. Without thought there is no will to survive. Thank you.

September 6th, 2017 14:20

So Met.
FredPeyer said:

Fay, not only do you write beautifully, the meaning in this poem goes much deeper than the roots of that tree!

September 6th, 2017 11:15

So Met.
Tony36 said:

Great write, and great video

September 6th, 2017 10:27

So Met.
Michael Edwards said:

Beautiful indeed - a super write.

September 6th, 2017 10:09

So Met.
orchidee said:

A fine write Fay. I got not many moors around \'ere! Lots of houses, shops, roads, etc. That any use?!

September 6th, 2017 08:50

So Met.
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful writ Fay. When we used to walk in the Yorkshire Dales we would frequently see lone trees like this

September 6th, 2017 08:01

So Met.
Louis Gibbs said:

Trees are nothing short of engineering marvels, the way that an invisible system of roots can offset the tremendous pressure encountered by wind, and the lean of the tree itself! I marvel at the huge oaks here on the Alabama coast that stay firmly rooted in spite of leaning at up to forty-five degree angles, not to mention surviving occasional hurricanes.
They are an inspiration of survival to humanity, indeed. A well-poemed tribute, Fay.

September 6th, 2017 06:15

So Met.
dusk arising said:

Oh how true i love it! North coast of your lovely county is covered in trees as in your picture. (Would have been nice to see one of those dramatic Cornish skies behind it).

\"with ironized knuckles and scars pummeled black\" amazing!

definately going into my favourites.

September 6th, 2017 05:57

So Met.
Accidental Poet said:

Beautiful write Fay. The will to live in spite of the odds is remarkable. And you\'ve spoken words of that undying will to survive. Thank you for sharing Fay. ; )

September 6th, 2017 04:31

Breaking Through.
Accidental Poet said:

True friendships feeds its self. False friendships wither and die away. But this poem brings friendship to all who read it. ; )

September 5th, 2017 20:16

Breaking Through.
WriteBeLight said:

Very nice Fay!

September 5th, 2017 15:53

Breaking Through.
sue.evans said:

A lucky friend!

September 5th, 2017 14:29

Breaking Through.
FredPeyer said:

Another Fay-esque poem, wonderfully written! Love that last line.

September 5th, 2017 12:00

Breaking Through.
Michael Edwards said:

What a lovely write - love it.

September 5th, 2017 10:42

Breaking Through.
orchidee said:

Lovely write Fay.

September 5th, 2017 10:23

Breaking Through.
Goldfinch60 said:

Super write Fay.

September 5th, 2017 08:05

Breaking Through.

Thanks FAY ~ lovely sentiments ~ To Understand as to be Understood ~ AMEN ~ Yours as ever BRIAN. Please check COLORS ....... Thanks B.

September 5th, 2017 05:52

FredPeyer said:

Fay, you describe so beautifully that big ocean I am all surrounded by. We have a saying here: Never turn your back to the ocean!

September 4th, 2017 14:20

Ticking Away.
FredPeyer said:

I would love to wake up like that every morning! Beautiful, beautiful poem, Fay!

September 4th, 2017 13:29

Michael Edwards said:

This truly evokes the sights and sounds of the sea - a superb write Fay.

September 4th, 2017 08:07

Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write Fay.

September 4th, 2017 07:52


WOW FAITH ~ I\'m booked on a Cruise and your poem has scared me. I was brought up in Liverpool and now live on the East Coast and all the Rivers & lakes & Seas & Oceans are my Friends ~ But as your beautiful Poem says ~ NOT to be flirted with and NEVER to be trifled with ! I agree She is a SAVAGE ~ Mistress ~ Actress ~ Dancer ~ Sweetheart ~ Jailer ! I have courted Ladies like that so I am forewarned ! Yours as ever BRIAN

September 4th, 2017 05:48

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