Comments received on poems by orchidee

A day orf?!

Thanks STEVE for a nonsense poem ~ no preaching ~ just screeching ! Loved the CAT VIDEO ~ I am a cat person ! One day i will write a Nonsense Poem and surprise the Universe ~ I guess the older you are the madder you get ! You friend BRIAN I\'m still young enough to be worried about the environment etc ! B.

July 19th, 2017 15:32

A day orf?!
kevin browne said:

fantastic array of wording here and I think your work is now showing itself off in due fashion. well done.

July 19th, 2017 15:22

A day orf?!
Michael Edwards said:

Drove through Melton Mowbray yesterday - would have picked up a pork Pie if I\'d known - by the way they\'re quite effective fired from cannons. Oh yes - enjoyed the ode.

July 19th, 2017 12:32

A day orf?!
onepauly said:

now have yourself a nice cup of tea.

July 19th, 2017 11:47

A day orf?!
Goldfinch60 said:

Aah, Cooee, Porchi, I am glad that your alter ego has found its way on here.

July 19th, 2017 08:34

Trusting Times
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write Orchi.

July 19th, 2017 00:45

Trusting Times
FredPeyer said:

Orchidee, the way you write these hymn-poems is amazing. I do love to read them.

July 18th, 2017 12:36

Trusting Times
orchidee said:

I\'ll change a bit of British history. Do ya know, Richard III, I think it was, actually did not want a horse, but he said: \'A hat, a hat, my kingdom for a hat\'! (Do put that sherry down, Orchi! heehee).

July 18th, 2017 12:30

Heritage Hope
Goldfinch60 said:

Another good write Orchi.

July 18th, 2017 00:23

Wholesome Witness
Goldfinch60 said:

Amen Orchi.

July 17th, 2017 01:24

Wholesome Witness

Thanks STEVE ~ loved the video ~ Pictures and the close harmony acapella ~ spiritual Barbershop ! Thanks for covering the whole Psalm because each Psalm is complete in itself. When I post my \"Sunday Sonnets\" o try to encapsulate th whole message of the whole Psalm. Lov you rendition of Psalm 146 ~ it will read well at Church poetry reading ! Every quatrain is a gem ~ Yours BRIAN

July 16th, 2017 17:28

Meditative Meanderings
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write.

July 16th, 2017 01:28

Meditative Meanderings
FredPeyer said:

Orchidee, I have not commented on many of your poems, not because they are not good, but because I did not feel qualified to comment.
I do love this one, there is so much happiness and positivity.

July 15th, 2017 18:17

Meditative Meanderings
Fay Slimm. said:

So upbuilding these verses of human destiny when singing life\'s melody in true faith.

July 15th, 2017 10:19

Prosperous Paths
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write.

July 15th, 2017 00:08

Prosperous Paths
Tony36 said:

Great write

July 14th, 2017 18:39

Prosperous Paths
Nicholas Browning said:

The same old English feel, you\'re good at this. I have a request, Orch. Yesterday I had a conversation with an acquaintance of mine. He is a christian, and I asked him about the principal of gambling. The answer I received was this: Gambling is not a sin. However, the love of money is. In turn, why else would someone gamble if not for the purpose of acquiring money? He said is was a way of being a good steward of his money, which the bible recommends doing. So, if you could write about your take on the love of money in a religious view, I would love to see it! If not, that\'s perfectly fine. But I can think of no other to write about such a thing.

July 14th, 2017 12:31

Prosperous Paths
Michael Edwards said:

Lovely structural piece and you\'ve come up with the goods yet again.

July 14th, 2017 10:53

Waffling A While
Goldfinch60 said:

It had to happen sometime Orchi when you went into your sherry soaked waffling vein. I suppose we will start getting poems about porkies before very long.

July 14th, 2017 01:44

Waffling A While
burning-embers said:

Love it (hic) the communion wine goes down much better with an interesting read.

July 13th, 2017 10:43

Worship Worthies
Goldfinch60 said:

Good write Orchi.

July 13th, 2017 00:54

Worship Worthies
Augustus said:

From a dust bunny under the sofa, \" no problem\"

July 12th, 2017 15:27

Worship Worthies
Augustus said:

From a dust bunny under the sofa, \" no problem\"

July 12th, 2017 15:27

Worship Worthies

Thanks again STEVE for lifting us up onto Higher Ground ! Lovely HYMN and a lovely set of QUATRAINS ~ each amplifying a single verse of a PSALM ~ Yours BRIAN

July 12th, 2017 09:54

Worship Worthies
Nicholas Browning said:

Good stuff once again Orch. I love to see the usage of singular words in the place of plurals. It\'s great.

July 12th, 2017 09:03

Worship Worthies
orchidee said:

A \'dusty\' reference again! heehee. Who you calling dust, Orchi?! Yet we are, in comparison to God, but He does not sweep us under the carpet!

July 12th, 2017 08:50

Deliverance Desirings 2
Goldfinch60 said:

Amen, Orchi, Amen.

July 12th, 2017 02:42

Deliverance Desirings 2
Michael Edwards said:

Wiltshire - was chatting to neighbour in my village who breeds Wiltshire sheep - a little known breed that sheds its fleece each spring and saves on not having to be shorn. Sorry - a useless bit of info if you don\'t already know about the breed and nothing to do with another super piece of work.

July 11th, 2017 11:05

Deliverance Desirings 2
Fay Slimm. said:

A verse filled with faith deserving a loud Amen. Thanks for this lovely read Steve.

July 11th, 2017 09:28

Deliverance Desirings 2

Thanks STEVE ~ I LOVE COVENTRY CATHEDRAL ~ very inspirational in so many ways. The hymn they are singing is very apposite for todays climate ~ Pray for Theresa May that GOD will grant her the gift of WISDOM & KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING ~ Amen. Thanks for your Poem based on a great PSALM. I love your medieval style of writing ~ it is RHYME LED (hymns must rhyme !) You therefor adopt a Germanic Grammar with the verbs at the end of the line. That is is why Grman jokes always fall flat ~ the tale is in the sting ! Check lines 1 & 2 (V 2) lines 3 & 4 (V 3) lines 3 & 4 (V 4) etc. Yoiur Poems read as if they were written by John Bunyan ~ perhaps that is intentional ! Thanks for sharing ~ BRIAN As I have been so so analytical with your Poem please reciprocate by adding a CITY (and I will add a Picture) to my latest FUSION ~ Thanks B.

July 11th, 2017 09:21

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