Favorite community poems by dusk arising
- The moon and her wolf (HannahElisabeth)
- Until Day (Fay Slimm.)
- You were too pure, so they sent you me. (kozamu)
- Otherness (Fay Slimm.)
- And Now (Fay Slimm.)
- Not A Love Poem (Saxon Crow)
- Afterglow (Fay Slimm.)
- Blossom Tree (rebmasters)
- The Fairies Cast A Spell- Triolet (Dove)
- Remembering (Rebeccaclara)
- Discovery (Fay Slimm.)
- This Light. (Goldfinch60)
- Untitled - XLVI (SureshG)
- The Love Story of Mrs Duckers and Mr Von Sneppick (Saxon Crow)
- Look Around (Saxon Crow)
- Lines (Saxon Crow)
- The Frangipani Tree (Jayasree)
- Bella (Saxon Crow)
- Inside out (sandra)
- a sacred summer's day (Kevin Michael Bloor)
- Words #2 (rebmasters)
- Unbreakable (Saxon Crow)
- How The Town Grows (MendedFences27)
- Untitled - XLII (SureshG)
- Little Gems (Jayasree)
- The Inkwell of Your Heart (Accidental Poet)
- Natures Monet (Saxon Crow)
- Out of the blue (Jerry Reynolds)
- Tapestry of Scars (Saxon Crow)
- Upon Reflection (Neville)
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