Favorite community poems by dusk arising
- Unnoticed (MrNobody40)
- Virus (A Boy With Roses)
- The onion you made me (down the rabbithole)
- Endsong (Neville)
- Full Spate. (Fay Slimm.)
- Observations #53 (Andrew Charles Forrest)
- I Spied. (Fay Slimm.)
- String (M.E.M.)
- Eyeing. (Fay Slimm.)
- IS OUR FATE : ALEXIS KARPOUZOS (alexis karpouzos)
- WHERE NO MEN TREAD (Michael Edwards)
- Raft (Brimelow)
- Memento Mori (MojoFreewrite)
- In Answer To Your Question #9 (Andrew Charles Forrest)
- Selflessness (Laura🌻)
- DESERTED NOW (Michael Edwards)
- Chet. (Goldfinch60)
- who i'm becoming (Hazel Kaye)
- No Future (Kevin Michael Bloor)
- EMBERS TURN TO ASH (Michael Edwards)
- Enchanted. (Fay Slimm.)
- Mother-Fed. (Fay Slimm.)
- It Could Have Been Me (Saxon Crow)
- i am,all that i am (ron parrish aka wordman)
- The Greenman (Saxon Crow)
- noitcelfeR (Neville)
- Hark thee Lover (Neville)
- COMES AUTUMN. (Fay Slimm.)
- Awayness. (Fay Slimm.)
- Message to My River. (Goldfinch60)
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