Comments received on poems by dusk arising

cookie jar
L. B. Mek said:

a moving read with poignant imagery

December 11th, 2020 03:56

cookie jar
Jerry Reynolds said:

Mine are 48 and 50 still \"Cookie Jars\"

December 10th, 2020 16:38

cookie jar

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Evening Dusk ! Ihave been married for under a Year but I am finding Each & Every Day that ~ *Angela sure is my COOKIE JAR* !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Angela Brian & Smokey ! ! !

December 10th, 2020 12:04

L. B. Mek said:

wonderfully lived-in words of real life truth\'s, worth reading a few times to digest all the wisdom it shares,
thanks Dusk

December 10th, 2020 04:27

cookie jar
orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.

December 10th, 2020 03:03

cookie jar
Goldfinch60 said:

Very emotive write d a.


December 10th, 2020 02:33

Goldfinch60 said:

Good words d a, that light is always there for us all and even when the darkness comes there is still light when that darkness ends.


December 10th, 2020 01:23

cookie jar
Neville said:

I love the way these words seem to bleed down the page on which you have pinned them DA ...

I totally get what you mean in your authors note about any tweaks you thought were necessary ..and for what its worth, I reckon you pulled it off ..

pitched perfectly sir .. filled with sentimentality without being too mushy .. in my opinion at least ....


December 10th, 2020 00:35

Fay Slimm. said:

What a wonderfully well-written and positive first read of my day that leaves my inner light with the glow of a grateful smile. So pleased you aired this one - - thank you D.A.

December 9th, 2020 03:17

orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.
Wasn\'t any poetry from me twenty five years ago. Well, the odd snippet or two per year maybe.

December 9th, 2020 03:17

Doggerel Dave said:

Glad your muse has gone bush (sorry - on holiday), dusk, otherwise, I can assure you, I wouldn\'t have gained access to your back catalogue of 25 yrs ago.
Go placidly, mate

December 9th, 2020 03:16

the artist
Goldfinch60 said:

The art of both words and pictures created and music can mean so much to many of us, I can look at artworks and really be drawn into them so they can become part of me, similarly with words and probably more so with music but each of us see or hear different things within our own minds. That is the glory of it all, it can bring so much to us.
Very good words d a, and this will go into my favourites.


December 9th, 2020 01:24

the artist
Poetic Dan said:

Ha ha! I have tooth ache and it\'s gone to my ear lol!

Took me a while to get down this because my mind kept floating around in a beautiful picture but the way pulled me back in was fantastic!

Think I\'m all done and end on a high... Lol

December 8th, 2020 14:39

the artist

ANGELA HERE ~ Thanks DUSK for a very powerful TONE POEM which does indeed paint a very real & moving - time passing - picture. Thanks for reprising & sharing !

Love & Peace to You & Yours
Angela Brian Smokey ! ! !

December 8th, 2020 12:58

the artist
orchidee said:

A fine write dusk.

December 8th, 2020 08:54

the artist
L. B. Mek said:

just the mere vastness of subjects/atrocities touched upon and handled with such a degree of empathy and insight,
means this has to be read - several times, to merely grasp and even then read a few more times to find its true meaning,
a brilliant write! worth sharing again every few months

December 8th, 2020 06:29

make believe its your first time
Neville said:

every now and then, I need to re-trace my steps ... some might call it going round in circles ... I call it respect and admiration ....

what a wonderful way to while away an evening.. or any time of day for that matter... a deep sigh and whispers perfect....because it very nearly is... N

December 7th, 2020 10:54

If i could stay
L. B. Mek said:

wow, damn what a FIND!
thank you for not posting in a while, truly: or else I wouldn\'t have come looking and missed-out on one of the best write\'s I have ever read

December 7th, 2020 07:21

to end all wars
Fatlass said:

Lovely but sad piece

December 4th, 2020 05:50

the rain
Fatlass said:

I can really empathise with the sentiment. Really like this piece

December 4th, 2020 05:49

there and here
Fatlass said:

Beautifully done. Rich in its description.

December 4th, 2020 05:48

the long goodnight
Fatlass said:

I loved this poem. So emotive

December 2nd, 2020 23:30

summer No 17
Suresh said: I dare reminisce......


November 30th, 2020 05:32

summer No 17

BRIAN HERE ~ Good Evenin* Dusk ~ Thanks for VIDEO ~ very kool !
Loved the scenario in the Poem ~ I fear (for a variety of social & other reasons) those Lazy - Hazy - Crazy days you describe will never again retrun to the UK ~ Life gets serious don* it !

Thanks for remindin* & sharin*
Love - Peace & Joy to You & Yours
Angela - Brian & Smokey ! ! !

November 28th, 2020 16:44

summer No 17
Poetic Dan said:

Happy music is playing and quickly read one rhyme..... Roll on the good times!!

Cheers buddy

November 28th, 2020 10:59

summer No 17
L. B. Mek said:

\'With a stolen kiss
. i watched a dream unfold in moonlit eyes.\'
beautiful imagery, a great read

November 28th, 2020 06:47

summer No 17
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah - -- as the song said - -\"Those were the days my friend - We thought they would never end \" --- thanks for this nostalgic write that gets to the heart and makes for sighs.......

November 28th, 2020 04:15

there and here
RDS said:

Lovely imagery and fusion between feelings and sensations flowing around the words

November 28th, 2020 04:14

summer No 17
orchidee said:

A fine write dusk. When is the Summer No. 18?!

November 28th, 2020 03:15

summer No 17
Goldfinch60 said:

Indeed back then, mine was a pint of bitter though, not cider.


November 28th, 2020 02:36

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