Comments received on poems by dusk arising

it saddens me
Neville said:

it effin saddens me too sir ..

... you poem so well a sick and sad reality that reinforces the futility of war and the far too many miscarriages of justice that occur during any and all of em ...

your authors note sums it all up perfectly .. betrayed loyal men



November 9th, 2020 11:54

it saddens me
Fay Slimm. said:

I remember a documentary about that tragic affair and the Highland Division of men sacrificed - -- so much hidden by war and its mongers that your sadness brought tears as this reader realized the absence of real recognition - shame on those responsible for this tragic neglect.

November 9th, 2020 11:37

they never leave you (revisited)
AwHec8 said:

Its almost as if you have been in Combat dusk arising. Because either you have or you have an extreme insight that most don\'t have. Just Saying Don

November 9th, 2020 11:19

it saddens me
AwHec8 said:

Truer words are seldom spoken in this here World dusk arising. Leaders get to lead, while Soldiers get to do the dying. So right of you to make such an eloquent Poem out of the misery regular People go through in life for their part. Especially in War. Then to be discarded for some reason put out by the powers that be. Then to close it out with \"what\'s the point!\" Great Write. Don

November 9th, 2020 11:06

they never leave you (revisited)
L. B. Mek said:

\'stand tall and never forget
the unforgettable
sarcastically acknowledge
their hope for a world peace
which never comes\'
\'we, the survivors
your token that we won
only to watch society move along\'
\'though sat in an easy chair of age
custard creams and teacups
blazers and medals but
torn bodies lie screaming
in my mind\'
a Brilliant and worthy dedication, full of poignant detail, unquestionable tenderness and heartfelt pride!

November 9th, 2020 07:06

they never leave you (revisited)
Goldfinch60 said:

Very, very true and poignant words d a.
The people that I have spoken to in the past about there times in the wars, just would not talk about it, it was so distressing for them to remember.


November 9th, 2020 01:31

they never leave you (revisited)
jarcher54 said:

So many of my family and friends\' veteran fathers and uncles and grandpas never wore their medals, didn\'t join vet organizations. You often learned of their heroism and sacrifice only when they died. My dad considered the glorification of veterans a hollow act of nostalgia and virtue signaling. But you could tell he never forgot his fellows himself, and quietly attended a few unit reunions only in old age.

November 8th, 2020 11:59

they never leave you (revisited)
Fay Slimm. said:

The truth of these lines are shown in every old face who went there, did that and came back - leaving other dying cries for help alive in every survivor\'s mind to fester forever. -.... a most moving read for this special time of remembrance my friend.

November 8th, 2020 09:15

they never leave you (revisited)
Neville said:

... sadly and ever so, this my friend is perfect ..
and I would urge you to resurrect and display every year henceforth

... Serious respect


November 8th, 2020 09:10

they never leave you (revisited)
orchidee said:

A sensitive write dusk.

November 8th, 2020 06:48

they never leave you (revisited)
FineB said:

Thank you for your wonderful tribute this Remembrance Sunday.

Keep writing ✍ and safe duskarising during these challenging times.

November 8th, 2020 06:02

they never leave you (revisited)
Michael Edwards said:

Poignant and approprite - fine write this un.

November 8th, 2020 05:55

things to come
FineB said:

A wonderful poignant write.

Keep writing ✍ and safe during these challenging times.

November 7th, 2020 06:33

things to come
Goldfinch60 said:

Very true d a, when homo sapiens stays confined the earth becomes a better place.


November 7th, 2020 01:51

things to come
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks DA. Beyond the great structure as a piece of poetry and the \'good write\' award which must come your way, of all the dystopian accounts and images around, this one feels right up there and well may be closest to the mark.
In the event, stay safe and take very good care of yourself

November 6th, 2020 19:04

things to come
Fay Slimm. said:

A scare of a read dear friend -- and so aptly formed with sombre wording to create a write so worthy of viewing again .......... into my faves with this called \"things to come\"

November 6th, 2020 14:16

things to come
Neville said:

I just hope you aint the prophet I increasingly believe that you might just be ...

November 6th, 2020 13:52

things to come
Dove said:

Sounds like Earth In it’s last frontier with mere humankind! Perhaps the desolation of the inner soul,

Interesting write dear One!

November 6th, 2020 10:45

Neville said:

there be beauty here sir and an abundance of it too ... simply gurt lush as we western folk do tend to say ........

November 1st, 2020 08:54

Goldfinch60 said:

Beautiful loving words d a, and the music puts the highlights on the words.


November 1st, 2020 01:08

AwHec8 said:

Wow! I Love this Poem dusk arising. I think I will start searching for a girl named April, now. Or maybe just those born in the month of April. Or Both. Don

October 31st, 2020 10:11

listen and lay back
Goldfinch60 said:

Wonderful words so fitting for the piece of music.

Yet another musician you have sent my way da, I will have to listen to the album now.


October 31st, 2020 01:40

go then
Doggerel Dave said:

Thanks for the commentary on the sentiments embodied in \"Do not go gentle..\" Obviously Dylan T is projecting his own anger and grief at his father\'s imminent death onto that same father. Doesn\'t make those sentiments right though. I repeat: \'I hope to go gentle, futile to rage\'
Respect and regards, Dave

October 30th, 2020 22:18

listen and lay back
Doggerel Dave said:

Followed instructions very carefully, then followed the trail to YouTube. What followed was the rabbit hole. Only follow that path with care. Follow me? Abandoned MPS for a small while. That will never do! Many thanks.
(Perhaps a little too much of the warm drink that satisfies..)

October 30th, 2020 19:19

listen and lay back
Michael Edwards said:

Listening and beginning to fee----eel drowwwww - sy - ahh --------------zzzzzz!

October 30th, 2020 14:03

listen and lay back
orchidee said:

Good write dusk.

October 30th, 2020 10:55

listen and lay back
Fay Slimm. said:

Am on my way D.A. - - just the ticket for me today.......... love this slow read.

October 30th, 2020 07:07

bored through overkill
Neville said:

No one aint gonna argue with none of it ................ dont they ..

exceedingly well articulated sir :)

October 28th, 2020 05:13

becalmed beyond escape
Neville said:

...this is quite simply magnificent DA.. brevity at its very best and no kiddin ...

October 27th, 2020 07:16

becalmed beyond escape
Dove said:

Reminds me of them pirate wars at sea!

October 26th, 2020 21:49

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