Comments received on poems by Neville

Chat Up Lies
Goldfinch60 said:

May those moments be forever with you Neville.


November 5th, 2023 01:55

How Many Ways Precisely
MendedFences27 said:

Will anyone ever know how many there are, \"Precisely?\" There may be as many as there are people in the world.
Your poem asks the reader as well as the intended and each one may answer differently. That is the power of your poem. How many ways, indeed? A thought-provoking piece. -Phil A.

November 4th, 2023 20:59

Twisted History the Rape of the Plains People Β 
Bella Shepard said:

Dearest Nev, this poem so strongly resonates, after visiting many sites of Native American Culture on our vacation. You\'ve crafted this beautifully, recounting a history that was distorted for generations. It is only now that our Indiginous Americans are beginning to get the credit and respect they deserve. I sometimes think that when we whites have decimated our earth for gain, the Native People who have held onto their bond with nature will be the ones to bring life back, as it was meant to be. Thank you for the depth of conscience and empathy you possess, it always shines through in the most profound way. A thousand fav\'s!!!

November 4th, 2023 10:22

How Many Ways Precisely
2781 said:

I only know one.

November 4th, 2023 08:12

How Many Ways Precisely
Thomas W Case said:


November 4th, 2023 07:10

How Many Ways Precisely
orchidee said:

The remoter KP is from me, the better! 😁

November 4th, 2023 04:50

How Many Ways Precisely
LIZ said:

Too many to count!!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«

November 4th, 2023 04:28

How Many Ways Precisely
Teddy.15 said:

You are loved by me dearest Nev always. ❀️

November 4th, 2023 04:07

Twisted History the Rape of the Plains People Β 
MendedFences27 said:

Probably one of the greatest genocides in human history, the elimination of the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America by European peoples. These were cultures that had existed for 30,000 years (latest discoveries prove) and now they are gone. The Plains people were the last to be conquered. And yes, every, what we now call war crimes, were committed to achieve the slaughter. The end result, the countries of Canada, the U.S.A, Mexico, all of Central America and South America. It continued until the early twentieth century, though some say it still continues.
Your poem\'s focus is one small part of this massacre. Your author\'s note says it causes you to be ashamed. Don\'t be, this is characteristic of what mankind was and still is all about. The conquest (slaughter) of people in order to possess their land. - Phil A.

November 3rd, 2023 15:05

Twisted History the Rape of the Plains People Β 
orchidee said:

A fine write N.
I burnt garlic - what a pong! If one can burn garlic?

November 3rd, 2023 03:08

Twisted History the Rape of the Plains People Β 
LIZ said:

Sometimes what we do doesn\'t feel enough, and we end up being condemned! Trying to heal our generation is a full-time job!! So, personally, I try healing myself every day, in hopes it carries on!!! \"Then he burnt both sage and saffron to heal and to colour his rage and his anger\" so powerful to me!!! Not sure if this was the intention but....thank you! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

November 3rd, 2023 02:22

Chat Up Lies
MendedFences27 said:

Some \"chat up\" lines seem phony. Yours at least has some truth to it. I truly believe it\'s more a matter of chemistry, than anything else.
Your poem speaks of some failures as well as connections. It reminds one how cumbersome such cold intros can be. A great reflection on one of life\'s difficult experiences. - Phil A.

November 2nd, 2023 19:26

Chat Up Lies
Bella Shepard said:

Can\'t argue with this empirical evidence. The true test would be if others tried your method and got the same results, then there might be a \"Nevlaw\" there. I also had to google \"teach granny to suck eggs\", hadn\'t heard that one before. Such a delight-filled write my friend, and always a pleasure.

November 2nd, 2023 15:15

Chat Up Lies
arqios said:

Going blind if only that would eradicate mental imprints.... as for chatting up ... *shivers*

November 2nd, 2023 07:11

Chat Up Lies
LIZ said:

Oh Neville!! I think any \"chat up\" line would work for you!!! But ummmmm yeah please don\'t use the eggs thing.....although.....personally I would just laugh 🫒🫒🫒🫒 and still talk to you!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

November 2nd, 2023 05:17

Chat Up Lies
Christina8 said:

LOL I was gonna mention what teddy said! Of course I\'m sure you don\'t need a line

November 2nd, 2023 03:35

Chat Up Lies
orchidee said:

I always wear a face mask blindfold thingy at bedtimes. To rest my eyes - and so I don\'t see KP! I would never recover, as she always sleeps nude! lol.

November 2nd, 2023 03:02

Chat Up Lies
2781 said:

I gave up so I wouldn\'t go blind.

November 2nd, 2023 02:32

Chat Up Lies
Teddy.15 said:

lol well just don\'t use the Granny sucks eggs line when you meet her. Love this I can feel all your emotion. ❀️

November 2nd, 2023 02:12

Chat Up Lies
Thomas W Case said:

Truly superb. I love what isn\'t stated lol

November 2nd, 2023 02:08

Floating Down On a Whisper
LIZ said:

Mmmmm your own reflection? Understanding, looking at what was? Just thinking out loud!!! πŸ«’πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

November 1st, 2023 15:37

Floating Down On a Whisper
Teddy.15 said:

Very powerful my dear Nev, especially the ending. ❀️

November 1st, 2023 15:20

Floating Down On a Whisper
Bella Shepard said:

R.I.P. old red silk scarf, as it \"Floats down on a whisper\", seems like closure. Beautifully crafted dear Nev!

November 1st, 2023 14:34

Floating Down On a Whisper
MendedFences27 said:

Ole! As a bull charges toward that falling \"red silk.\" Ole! And that \"dangerous sidewalk\" (What, not a pavement?) gets a whole lot more threatening. At last, some passive resistance to a \"nemesis\" pays off.
A great tale of retribution. - Phil A.

November 1st, 2023 12:09

Floating Down On a Whisper
Thomas W Case said:

Fantastic write my friend.

November 1st, 2023 07:30

Floating Down On a Whisper
Neville said:

You are clearly besotted and far too reliant on the mental defence mechanism of reaction formation .. you are also more nutty than a topic ..

November 1st, 2023 03:24

Floating Down On a Whisper
orchidee said:

Good write N.
I caught a brief glimpse of KP - though it looked like an old trout! lol.

November 1st, 2023 02:58

Tu Es Tout Pour Moi
arqios said:

That, the exquisite ache signifying we live and not merely exist!

October 31st, 2023 19:22

Tu Es Tout Pour Moi
Bobby O said:

The frown hanging there adds a weight to my shoulders, it’s cumbersome especially when it may be predicted and yet doesn’t slow us down. It’s irrational and yet most who have committed resource in the past feel it’s due to turn, so we stumble forward with unreasoned plan, but the frown is honest and therefore a base of advantaged certainty.

October 31st, 2023 18:46

Tu Es Tout Pour Moi
MendedFences27 said:

I was taken aback by this one. You \"ache, long, bleed, and love\" and receive a \"frown.\" Otherwise, a great piece of poetry, \"and again upon rainbows,\" \"the sense of you.\" \" are yet to be remembered.\" Not just your average phrasing. - Phil A.

October 31st, 2023 15:52

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