Comments received on poems by Neville

Her Thing About Blue Eyes
Christina8 said:

this is so descriptive. I just love it! I don\'t often favorite things but this is such a fine poem! You had me at the very eyes!

February 4th, 2023 08:17

Her Thing About Blue Eyes
Fay Slimm. said:

An outstanding write -- your short-line technique of presenting intrigue in a few short lines is amazing - -this has to be one of your best and is now in my fave. list Sir N.............x

February 4th, 2023 04:06

Her Thing About Blue Eyes
orchidee said:

If she pops round to see me, I will swoon. I\'m a blue eyed boy, ya know! lol. Will she know I am, if I wear shades?!

February 4th, 2023 03:30

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
Goldfinch60 said:

So very true Neville.


February 4th, 2023 02:55

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
Kinsey Peterson said:

I would love nothing more than to see someone put your words to music. I feel as though they would make lovely songs.

February 3rd, 2023 09:43

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
Doggerel Dave said:

If the beams, the inglenook, the Aga (that woz the one I had in my days of plenty) range are there, don\'t chuck \'em out...(bible is a different matter) but bathe in the \'smiles and laughter,\' plus the \'joy, peace, love and hope\' for as long as it lasts..... I did enjoy the piece Nev, but fear I might be turning myself into an advice maiden - Dorothy Dix (Aust), UK - Edith Home if I remember....

February 3rd, 2023 07:03

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
arqios said:

Where the rubber hits the road
and that\'s where the skid marks are at.

February 3rd, 2023 06:25

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
Christina8 said:

Quite the positive write....smiles and laughter i think are what we all want. Excellent. Well done!

February 3rd, 2023 05:15

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
Fay Slimm. said:

Smiles and laughter win every prize for lasting relationships and no doubt about it - and who would not take that \"double helping of joy, peace, love and hope\" - a positive write and inspiring read mon ami .....x

February 3rd, 2023 04:12

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
L. B. Mek said:

(it really doesn\'t take much
to put a smile on our face
or kind tones in our eyes
just a little openness, aside
a side serving of acceptance
and just like that
our slice of life, is that little bit
more sweet...)

February 3rd, 2023 04:05

Chasing the Carpet
L. B. Mek said:

we can word it as we may,
dear empathetic Hyung
\'chasing the carpet\'
\'chasing the bottom of a bottle\'
\'chase the escape
in a numbing, embrace..\'
and on...
pathetic, how some men out there
try to warp it in-to a gender fight
rather than, witnessing
a person, in need
a humane tragedy, unfolding..
I\'m ever astounded, at Gaia\'s
levels of tolerance
at a mere read of your words
my volcanic rage, is poised
to spew lava hate

February 3rd, 2023 04:02

Hello Again Marianne
L. B. Mek said:

\'I have lost a telephone
with your smell in it\'
(just a privilege
to read your memorable words
dear Poet supreme!)
love the unfolding reveal
a soundless beat
distilling subtlety\'s nuances
a line at a time..

February 3rd, 2023 03:53

With Her Head Full of Feathers ..
L. B. Mek said:

simply beautiful Hyung
more vivid than a HD8k, vid...
(Intimacy, need not be
panting, breathlessness
its intoxicating, to be entwined
arms and legs, nothing else
headache\'s, as opportunity
to express a more lasting
chemistry, sensuality
knowing, in your arms
beats a heart, you trust outright...)

February 3rd, 2023 03:47

L. B. Mek said:

Another one, wow
we\'re being spoilt
thank you Hyung

February 3rd, 2023 03:41

What We Do & What We Don’t Need Now
orchidee said:

I\'ll chuck KP in that holy brook! We\'ve a Brook of that very name in our town.

February 3rd, 2023 03:10

Chasing the Carpet
Bella Shepard said:

The sadness is that that anyone should become the slave of such a monster, where the brain trumps all in it\'s need to feed addiction. How little we realize that the brain has a mind of its own, inspite of us. A very powerful and pertinent write dear friend.

February 2nd, 2023 14:00

Chasing the Carpet
Doggerel Dave said:

You got me - I\'m glad there were early entrants to this column with more know than I have. Sounds sad, but you would have to convince me......Too hardened by having been told that a toke of maryj would have me flying out the window....🙂

February 2nd, 2023 07:50

Chasing the Carpet
arqios said:

For a while there I was envisioning a flying carpet chase. But reality is, there is a deep sorrow underneath all these cases and lives.

February 2nd, 2023 04:44

Chasing the Carpet
Christina8 said:

Wow. This is an epic piece for those addicted to crack and will search for
a piece so tiny as to cause bloody knees.....tragic!

February 2nd, 2023 03:24

Chasing the Carpet
Fay Slimm. said:

The tragic addiction to drugs such as crack will reduce a poor human to less than a rabid animal and you pen it so vividly - - a shock of a read that happens on as your note says \"an increasingly frequent basis\" in your line of care.......x

February 2nd, 2023 03:07

Chasing the Carpet
orchidee said:

Ohh, KP never does any housework. She\'s too busy having Botox! lol.

February 2nd, 2023 02:55

With Her Head Full of Feathers ..
Dove said:

Being a Dove, I love all feathered poems. Loved it. Beautiful

February 1st, 2023 12:30

Hello Again Marianne
Dove said:

Nice. I guess I\'m not familiar with the artist. But you always sway to the beat. Lol

February 1st, 2023 12:28

Hello Again Marianne
Fay Slimm. said:

What an album to echo within your worthy words Nev. Cohen knew how to appeal with his deep and unforgettable voice laughing and crying with missed Marianne. Thanks for the back-when reminder mon ami....x

February 1st, 2023 09:41

Hello Again Marianne
orchidee said:

Should I start calling KP Marianne?! lol.

February 1st, 2023 08:24

Hello Again Marianne
Doggerel Dave said:

Got to find the CD and hope it replicates the album ..too late at night...may get back, but what more can I say about Leonard that I haven\'t....

February 1st, 2023 06:38

Hello Again Marianne
arqios said:

Oh wow, that is a whole album. Too bad there wasn\'t a song called \'Songs from a Room.\'

February 1st, 2023 04:12

With Her Head Full of Feathers ..
Goldfinch60 said:

Good words Neville, may you fly together in ecstasy.


February 1st, 2023 02:58

With Her Head Full of Feathers ..
Bella Shepard said:

Feathers are such gentle things, ethereal and beautiful. Such fitting imagery for an act that dreams are built upon. Love should not be rushed, but anticipated and savored. Great write my friend!

January 31st, 2023 15:03

With Her Head Full of Feathers ..
Christina8 said:

\"flying\" is such a beautiful way of describing young love where there isn\'t any \"hint of regret at all\". What a wonderful recollection!

January 31st, 2023 09:22

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