Comments received on poems by Poetic Dan

The echo
Tony36 said:

Beautiful write

February 10th, 2018 08:05

The echo
Lorna said:

Needed this one this morning! Thank you!

February 10th, 2018 06:27

A. A. A. I will always be
Christina8 said:

So happy for you! I hope you both have a great time, Dan! Enjoy the moments!

February 9th, 2018 13:25

A. A. A. I will always be
kevin browne said:


February 9th, 2018 11:32

Roses tinted glasses
FredPeyer said:

Well said, PD!

February 7th, 2018 12:17

Roses tinted glasses
Accidental Poet said:

yea yea, ooh, yea just a little bit more, YES! GOT IT! hmmm hmmm yumm yumm yumm. I don\'t know what it is, but it sure is yummy.

February 6th, 2018 19:43

FredPeyer said:

Perfect picture for a perfect poem!

January 31st, 2018 02:03

FredPeyer said:

Yes, Dan, life does dictate a lot, but we do have a choice, we can say no.
Love your poem!

January 31st, 2018 01:29

dusk arising said:

A six line admission of what being a fallible human being is all about.
Compact and punchy excellence.
You know i\'m a great fan of \'less is more\'

January 30th, 2018 18:27

Noah said:

\"Even lost mo and jo in the flow\"
Such a great line

January 30th, 2018 18:06

Laura🌻 said:

Awesome write, Dan!
Love the visual...
it’s like I’m looking in
my mirror!!
So relatable!
Yes, we can get lost
in the flow my dear
captain...but we’re
strong enough to let
that ship sail home again!


January 30th, 2018 15:46

Accidental Poet said:

You\'ll carry on like a trooper Dan, because you\'re a winner through and through. Great write.

January 29th, 2018 19:45

Laura🌻 said:


Forward and Onward
my friend! You will


January 29th, 2018 10:44

Still giving time more time
Tony36 said:

Well written and expressed

January 25th, 2018 14:11

Still giving time more time
FredPeyer said:

I think your writing is getting better and better, PD! Hang on to the good thoughts!

January 25th, 2018 14:06

Still giving time more time
Fay Slimm. said:

Ah - sad but expertly written this lament for past mistakes Dan - -love does have matching sorrow and we have to\" learn not to yearn for what is gone\" - - - wise words and a powerful read.

January 25th, 2018 13:42

I\'ll keep searching on
Goldfinch60 said:

That search will be successful, as the words flow the light gets nearer.

January 24th, 2018 01:59

I\'ll keep searching on
FredPeyer said:

PD, sometimes, despite our strongest efforts, it just doesn\'t work. That\'s when faith comes in. Faith in yourself and faith in others. Keep on searching, life is a journey.

January 23rd, 2018 22:39

I\'ll keep searching on
kevin browne said:

is this what we would call living dangerously, Poetic Dan? I have faith in you, however, and I believe your pen will wake you up soon enough. we are all here to help by the way too.

January 23rd, 2018 16:11

Thought it stopped but it came straight back
Caring dove said:

nice wording throughout this .. soryr to hear of yoru tinnitus , do you know what causes it .. hope it leaves for you soon . . good piece of writing here

January 23rd, 2018 13:57

I\'ll keep searching on
Caring dove said:

sometimes it can feel hard to write out how we are feeling ... very strong lines with reference to the gullotine and the dragons fire .. great read

January 23rd, 2018 13:53

Here if you fall
Goldfinch60 said:

Very good write, children can say the most wonderful things and show their love for you.
You have an Angel in your life Dan.

January 23rd, 2018 01:32

Here if you fall
poetboy123 said:

This was a beautiful and meaningful write, Dan. You\'ve always been an expert at crafting emotional pieces that truly express what you feel, but this one shines even amongst the gold.

January 22nd, 2018 22:39

Here if you fall
Accidental Poet said:

Another great write Dan. Sometimes kids can say the most profound things that really make adults listen.

January 22nd, 2018 19:17

Here if you fall
Fay Slimm. said:

A true treasure for your children to keep Dan - - your pen excels in expressing the love good parents give to growing offspring and which will go on throughout life - I love that last line and thanks for sharing your blessed weekend.

January 22nd, 2018 17:37

Here if you fall
Michael Edwards said:

What a superb piece and those last two lines are jnspirational

January 22nd, 2018 10:41

Here if you fall
Laura🌻 said:

This is so beautiful, Dan!
I’m so happy for you that you spent the weekend with your children! I know that made you ecstatic! I do love the first line. Such beautiful words...especially for a dad to hear!

A beautiful poem! I will definitely save as my favorite...and share it with my children! I could never write it as beautifully as you have!

Awesome job my friend!

All the best...

January 22nd, 2018 10:30

Beat or bit a journey under our feet
Caring dove said:

sometimes the unexpected happens when we are not really searching or looking . very nice piece of writing , i love the reference to life changing in a beat

January 19th, 2018 15:07

Feeding the light, nothing is ours
Caring dove said:

i think many words can come the beauty and love in our life .. nice piece of writing dan :-)

January 19th, 2018 15:00

I know of so many
Caring dove said:

really engrossing read ! i love this !your wording is great and i can see how this guy went from feeling unloved and not good enough to having more support, love and people by his side ...

January 19th, 2018 14:56

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