Comments on community poems by darknessandlight

  • Days like these (Shaa) The struggle is very real, this I know. The fear of reaching out and...
    October 4th, 2022 07:04
  • Sugar rush (Shaa) I love this and I believe you have just given me, my new question if I...
    October 4th, 2022 07:00
  • The Reading (Shaa) Keep writing that book, no matter the circumstances, all of relationships...
    October 4th, 2022 06:57
  • Attraction (Shaa) This is beautiful and so very relatable in so many ways. Keep at...
    October 4th, 2022 06:54
  • Thank You (Cian) I completely relate to this
    September 28th, 2022 18:57
  • OTHER WORDS FOR LOVE (Chin dimple) I love how you have captured the many facets that are love.
    September 28th, 2022 18:54
  • Nostalgic Friendship (Insanely Hilarious) This is so deep and so eloquent.
    September 28th, 2022 18:53
  • Leaving You (Mr. Not) I feel this on so many levels. You definitely need to do what is best for...
    September 28th, 2022 18:51
  • Vigil (Shaa) Definitely reach out, I did just that today and though it is something...
    September 27th, 2022 22:43
  • Unconditional Love (Dr. Soma) This is simply beautiful and completely relatable.
    September 27th, 2022 22:38
  • Forever in my Soul (Dove) This is the most beautiful poem I\'ve read this morning. I feel your love...
    September 27th, 2022 09:31
  • Are you lonely (Hzugman) This is so very true, I absolutely love how deeply and much you conveyed...
    September 27th, 2022 09:24
  • YOU (Chin dimple) This is beautiful in the extreme. You have captured your feelings so...
    September 27th, 2022 09:22
  • Hand In Hand (DesertWords) This is so beautiful and so powerful. I can feel the love and care...
    September 27th, 2022 09:20
  • Love (Robin1388) I absolutely love this and can relate to it completely
    September 19th, 2022 21:27
  • my love (Skpearl) This is amazing. I can tangibly feel your longing and want. Your sorrow...
    September 19th, 2022 08:17
  • They Say... But I Am Me (F.B.R) I love this, it is extremely inspirational and definitely very uplifting,
    September 15th, 2022 20:58
  • Blindsided (Amit.Singh) This is extremely beautiful and yet so sad at the same time.
    September 15th, 2022 20:57
  • MY PURGATORY HELL #2 (Raven333) Keep fighting, you will triumph
    September 15th, 2022 20:53
  • Secrets (Robin1388) I love this. It is so deep and full of the struggle many of us face. I...
    September 15th, 2022 20:51
  • If You Love A Dog You’ll Understand (Jenny.g) I completely relate and this was done so beautifully. I miss dog.
    September 13th, 2022 22:15
  • Toons (Shaa) This is so awesome!!! I love it, especially how you tied in all the...
    September 13th, 2022 22:14
  • Mother (Dr. Soma) I love this, it is so beautiful
    September 13th, 2022 22:12
  • Monday market (Shaa) This is simply awesome, I love the coded meaning and how well you put this...
    September 12th, 2022 22:06
  • todays society failed me (Morgenw) First off I am so sorry, no one ever deserves that and I mean no one. It...
    September 12th, 2022 22:02
  • Questions For Nature (Diana Baffoe) Beautifully worded. Life holds many perspectives and you have a good grasp...
    September 11th, 2022 20:42
  • How I see you see me (Morgenw) Extremely beautiful and well thought out. You are very perceptive.
    September 11th, 2022 19:03
  • Crossing Stars (Kurt Philip Behm) Very powerful and moving. The truth is put completely eloquently.
    September 11th, 2022 13:49
  • You Make Me Feel So Bad (Bella Shepard) I really like this. It gives testament to how much bonds can start...
    September 11th, 2022 13:47
  • Endless (Sage) Extremely deep
    September 11th, 2022 13:44
  • Untold Words (Dr. Soma) This is so very heartfelt and completely relatable. I love it
    September 11th, 2022 10:41
  • Words of Heart (Dr. Soma) Beautiful and very eloquent 😊
    September 11th, 2022 10:40
  • Promise (Dr. Soma) This is beautiful.
    September 11th, 2022 10:37
  • Not him (Jenny.g) I love this and am in the same boat. She doesn\'t know and I will never...
    September 11th, 2022 09:37
  • I am my own warrior (Jenny.g) This is awesome, I don\'t think I have ever written anything so eloquent...
    September 11th, 2022 09:35
  • Three little ladies (Jenny.g) Keep fighting, you\'ve got this. Bonds with children are precious and help...
    September 11th, 2022 09:33
  • You\'re lost little boy (Jenny.g) I used to work in the Psych field with both children and adults. There are...
    September 11th, 2022 09:30
  • Rage (Jenny.g) I understand this so well, I held onto my rage for a very long time....
    September 11th, 2022 09:26
  • Map of Pain (Jenny.g) This is very moving and very powerful. It speaks of your strength and...
    September 11th, 2022 09:21
  • Going back (Shaa) Completely relatable. It is so beautiful and speaks volumes about not just...
    September 11th, 2022 08:29
  • Am I Worthy of Love? (Notformymother) Just wow.... So powerful, so vivid, and just a truly amazing poem.
    September 11th, 2022 08:26
  • Unrequited Love (Love_poetry_world) I love this. It is so beautiful
    September 11th, 2022 08:24
  • The Cold Light of Day (Jenny.g) I am touched by this and so relate to it
    September 10th, 2022 21:08
  • absence (Spookystargirl) I love this, it speaks so loudly to me
    September 10th, 2022 21:04