Comments on community poems by BRIAN & ANGELA

  • Moth to Flame (Scorchedwings) WELCOME SW ~ Awesome first poem. ~ pulsating with rhyme and rhythm. Love...
    October 31st, 2016 15:51
  • GOLDEN OpportUNITY FOR UNITY (Regitaylor) WELCOME REGI ~ Thank you for a Universal and Inclusive prayer. You have...
    October 31st, 2016 04:54
  • The Flaws Of Education (Liam Lawless) WELCOME ANON ~ Great first POEM thans for sharing. In the UK we have some...
    October 30th, 2016 17:40
  • I Swore an Oath (Evan50) WELCOME EVAN ~ Swearing an oath ~ is a solemn Promise ~ difficult to live...
    October 30th, 2016 17:04
  • The Day (Gothic_Girl) WELCOME GG ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ the short ones are always the...
    October 30th, 2016 16:57
  • A Broken Bottle (Lrave) WELCOME IRAVE ~ THANKS for an interesting first peom ! The question you...
    October 30th, 2016 16:53
  • Bo-Bo (Kittiekite09) -WELCOME KITTIE ~ This is a very elegant and personal first poem ~ thank...
    October 30th, 2016 08:22
  • Deprivation (Walkingmess) WELCOME ANGEL ~ Thanks for your first and very personal poem. It is very...
    October 29th, 2016 18:17
  • Autumn Day (R.l.cannon) Thanks RLC ~ WELCOME ~ well penned first poem and nice song. The poem is...
    October 27th, 2016 18:36
  • I Learned, Hard (Lost123rejoice) WELCOME JAY ~ Thanks for positive well penned poem. ~ None of us likes to...
    October 27th, 2016 18:26
  • Detention (Christina8) HI CHRISSY ~ I love the structural elegance of all your poems ~ even when...
    October 26th, 2016 14:08
  • Jumbo jet versus jackdaws or Jays (🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽) WELCOME ZAYNAB (love all your names !) Or would you rather b a FISH ! ...
    October 26th, 2016 03:58
  • Links of Steel (Augustus) Thanks \"A\" for a great write and a great read. \"LORD please take these...
    October 26th, 2016 03:32
  • Pain (Uknown98x) WELCOME UNKNOWN ~ A very elegant poem bursting with rhyme and rhythm ~...
    October 25th, 2016 15:02
  • Create and connect to your inner home of silence (Avigail) Thanks AVI ~ It really works. Love the sensuous language ! Slowly ~...
    October 25th, 2016 14:52
  • Need (Christina8) Early Morning Love is perfect CHRISSY ! It\'s 4 in the morning and...
    October 25th, 2016 01:41
  • Passions (Christina8) WECOME CHRISSY ~ thanks for a lovely sensuous poem ~ I love its positivity...
    October 25th, 2016 01:30
  • You see your future differently now... (Nikita Orlov) WELCOME RASS ~ THANKS FOR A VERY POIGNANT FIRST POEM. Often the PAST is...
    October 24th, 2016 18:03
  • The Slaves Cave (Jyquan) WELCOME QUAN ~ Thanks for sharing you first poem ~ short but very thought...
    October 24th, 2016 17:56
  • the bag (Avigail) Thanks AVI for \"More words of wisdom\" Currently my BAG is small but my...
    October 24th, 2016 17:51
  • Lessons (KekoPeppy) WELCOME KEKO ~ An elegantly penned \"free verse\" poem ~ whose content...
    October 24th, 2016 14:44
  • Awaited Proposal (FruitfulSpirit) Some day BELOVED ~ Your PRINCE will come and love you with a Spiritual...
    October 24th, 2016 11:06
  • Enchanted Dreams Of Trance (JordanRogers) WELCOME JORDAN ~ Thanks you for a very enchanting first poem . Trance...
    October 24th, 2016 10:57
  • Satan Can\'t Hold Me (Tony36) RESIST THE DEVIL AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU ! AMEN. Thanks TONY we can...
    October 24th, 2016 10:46
  • WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLOWER & WHY ? (BRIAN & ANGELA) THANKS TO ALL THOSE Who contributed such beautiful flower poems.. Much...
    October 23rd, 2016 15:02
  • Lonely Ride (Sonicpoet) WELCOME SONIC ~ Thanks for a very elegantly written first poem ~ some...
    October 19th, 2016 17:01
  • root canal treatment (Avigail) HI SWEETHEART ~ Thank GOD for small mercies. Many in the (so called) THIRD...
    October 19th, 2016 14:01
  • Flying (Denise ducey kloeppel) THANKS DENISE ~ Love the poem ~ Fly and the World fly with you ! Yours...
    October 19th, 2016 13:54
  • Size Matters (Writeguy) WELCOME WG ~ Thanks for your amusing poem ~ size is not the most important...
    October 19th, 2016 10:56
  • All I Ask (Sarah Abbott) THANKS SARAH ~ Great Prayer ~ straight from your heart ~ AMEN. There are...
    October 18th, 2016 16:38
  • Twenties sad thoughts. (Mariannebmo) Thanks for being my FRIEND ! The way MPS works is we comment on each...
    October 18th, 2016 16:08
  • The thoughts of a teacher\'s pet (SakuraSkye) WELCOME SAKURA ~ Thanks for your first poem .. Pulsating with rhythm and...
    October 18th, 2016 15:59
  • Twenties sad thoughts. (Mariannebmo) Ohhhhhhhhh MARIANNE (lovely name) I hope tis is not too autobiographical...
    October 18th, 2016 15:51
  • Changing (Ternic73) TERESA ~ BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE TO MATERNAL ANGST ! I can never be a Mother...
    October 18th, 2016 09:49
  • Sense Of Humor (Augustus) Great rectangular poem \"A\" and a neat account of \"24 hoiurs of...
    October 18th, 2016 09:43
  • Your Jacket, My Poncho, Four Bullets (Imani_moon) WELCOME IMANI ~ Thanks IMANI ~ for a challenging first poem short but to...
    October 18th, 2016 09:37
  • Echos of Silence (Ternic73) BEAUTIFUL TERESA ~ I love rhyming couplets. In this wicked World there are...
    October 18th, 2016 09:29
  • Gazing (Avigail) -Ohhhhhhhh AVI ~ Love to lie skygazing with you ~ it sure sooths the...
    October 18th, 2016 09:25
  • My Words (Authenticwrite) WELCOME AW ~ Thanks for an elegant first poem in five neat stanzas. Love...
    October 17th, 2016 12:47
  • Something positive in the air (Avigail) AMEN TO THAT SWEETHEART ! We can all get in RUT and once on is in it...
    October 17th, 2016 10:53
  • When Your Lobster Tells You He\'s Moving On (Doll in Wonderland) Ohhhhhhhhh DOLL a very poignant poem lamenting lost love . It\'s happened...
    October 17th, 2016 08:27
  • Red, White, Blue (Tony36) THANKS TONY ~ I relate to all your verses and sentiments BUT to me they...
    October 17th, 2016 08:20
  • Tourist (MelyssaHarmon) WELCOME MELYSSA ~ Thanks you for your first poem ~ I loved the sensuous...
    October 17th, 2016 07:24
  • You\'re Not Alone (BSmooth) WELCOME BSMOOTH (Great name !) I love the optimism in your poem. We are...
    October 17th, 2016 05:29
  • Angels (BronyVinyl) THANKS BRONY ~ Thanks for a great \"free verse poem\" pulsating with...
    October 17th, 2016 04:34
  • Halloween is Here (Iamwoman) Thanks CRAFTER ~ Nail painting has really come of age and we have great...
    October 16th, 2016 15:53
  • The Moment (Ddaca) WELCOME DDCA ~ Do we always hurt the one we LOVE ? Thanks for your first...
    October 16th, 2016 15:36
  • Put It on Paper (Ternic73) BEAUTIFUL TERESA ~ Because it expresses how I often feel and for me...
    October 16th, 2016 12:01
  • In Parting (Augustus) Thanks \"A\" Life is a continuous cycle of birth ~ life ~ death and in my...
    October 16th, 2016 11:38
  • Don\'t take it personally (Avigail) Thanks SWEETHEART for those of us who live in CYBERSPACE we don\'t orgasm...
    October 16th, 2016 10:20
  • Shhhh... (FromHerPen) WELCOME MS TEE ~ Thanks for your first and very powerful poem. ! I felt...
    October 16th, 2016 09:23
  • Born free (Rfisher30) WELCOME ROBERT ~ Thanks for your first poem which pulsates with Patriotism...
    October 16th, 2016 03:08
  • Skin Deep (KayaK96) WELCOME KAYAK ~ Thank you for your first poem which is both cathartic and...
    October 16th, 2016 02:52
  • Mom-Mom\'s Sweater (Sarah Abbott) WELCOME SARAH ~ For a very beautiful and personal poem ~ it made me cry ~...
    October 16th, 2016 02:39
  • Darkness (BronyVinyl) Thanks BV ~ for a very Dark an Gothic poem which reminds us that there is...
    October 16th, 2016 02:29
  • Give Me Your Heart (Morbidcuriosity) WELCOME MC ~ Thanks for you first poem ~ Nice structure ~ well spaced...
    October 15th, 2016 17:30
  • Rain rain (Amal) Thanks AMAL ~ great poem great words ! Better to have loved and lost han...
    October 15th, 2016 16:33
  • Fall is Here (Iamwoman) THANKS MY LADY ~ YES AUTUMN ~ is a fabulous Season. In OLD ENGLAND the...
    October 15th, 2016 14:48
  • How is you augmented reality today? (Avigail) Thanks you PROF for sharing more of your inner insights ! The human brain...
    October 15th, 2016 11:18
  • My Tree My Friend (Augustus) I THINK THAT I SHALL NEVER SEE A THING AS LOVELY AS A TREE ! Thanks for...
    October 15th, 2016 11:09
  • Untitled (Pastaclouds) Thanks PC ~ When love is sweet ~ its very sweet ! For me the love of a...
    October 15th, 2016 10:51
  • Peanutbutter and Jelly (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ Whose GOD is his belly and whose poison is peanutbutter ...
    October 15th, 2016 07:50
  • Death (BronyVinyl) WELCOME BV ~ Thanks for your first poem _ well written \"free verse\" ...
    October 15th, 2016 07:43
  • Please Knock Next Time (Pastaclouds) FOOLS PUSH IN ~ ANGELS (& Gentlemen) ALWAYS KNOCK ~ WELCOME PC ~ Thanks...
    October 15th, 2016 02:11
  • Be loving. It’s good for your health (Avigail) WONDERFUL ADVICE SWEETHEART ~ You know me and you know I am always...
    October 14th, 2016 18:48
  • The Covenant (FruitfulSpirit) AMEN SISTER ~ Lovely Testimony ~ We all need a SPIRITUAL CLEANSING and...
    October 14th, 2016 17:43
  • Her Memories (Potterfan) WELCOME PF ~ Thanks for your first poem. Elegantly penned ~ BUT ~ with a...
    October 14th, 2016 17:36
  • Stars (Themacoroini) Welcome TH ~ Thanks for your first poem . It is a well presented Modern...
    October 14th, 2016 15:07
  • OCEAN (Ternic73) THANKS TERESA ~ A very nicely presented poem pulsating with rhyme and...
    October 14th, 2016 14:50
  • Butterfly flies away (Oriada Dajko) WELCOME ORIADA ~ Thanks for a beautiful first poem in both structure and...
    October 14th, 2016 11:26
  • Me (Denise ducey kloeppel) HI DENISE ~ One way of baring your soul is to post poems ! Each poem we...
    October 14th, 2016 11:13
  • I Would Have Known (Augustus) Ahhhhhhhhhh \"A\" ~ The greatest grief is \"Loves labour last !\" Cos now...
    October 14th, 2016 09:04
  • Dodge ball (Tony36) Oh YES ~ I too remember it well ~ BRIAN
    October 14th, 2016 09:01
  • Remember (Dawei) WELCOME DAWEI ~ Thanks you for your first poem ~ fifteen progressive...
    October 14th, 2016 08:18
  • Unavailable love (Dannirose) WELCOME DANNI ~ Thank you for a very elegantly written first poem. It has...
    October 13th, 2016 17:11
  • True Blue (Flowernectar) WELCOME DAISY ~ Thank you for a very elegantly penned poem in seven...
    October 13th, 2016 16:59
  • Considering the Fact (Yaz) WELCOME YAZ ~ Thanks for a very challenging first poem. My MUM told me...
    October 13th, 2016 16:44
  • Considering the Fact (Yaz)
    October 13th, 2016 16:41
    October 13th, 2016 14:04
  • The transparent people among us (Avigail) As a Christian ~ I am required to love my (invisible) neighbour as...
    October 13th, 2016 13:59
  • The Unfortunate Reality of a Fortunate Life (BruisedApple) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BA ! A sad reflection indeed BUT where there's life ...
    October 10th, 2016 04:05
    October 9th, 2016 16:00
  • walking meditation (Avigail) THANKS SWEETHEART ~ I love any poem that invokes the principles and powers...
    October 9th, 2016 15:55
  • The darker side (Elenasky) WELCOME ELENA ~ Thanks for an elegant poem with a daunting message and a...
    October 8th, 2016 17:24
  • 6 months (Zahc) WELCOME CHARLOTTE # Thanks for your first poem. Elegant in Structure but...
    October 8th, 2016 16:39
  • Alone Again (Jeff) As always JEFF ~ great structure 3 neat quatrains and a consistent xaxa ~...
    October 8th, 2016 12:25
  • Women Are People Too (Iamwoman) WELCOME MY LADY ~ Hillary is a LADY and I've never heard her degrade her...
    October 8th, 2016 12:08
  • after a hurricane night (Avigail) Thanks SWEETHEART ~ I've been praying for all those who live on the EAST...
    October 7th, 2016 18:23
  • Beware! (Vanabba3) HALLOWEEN ~ is the best of time and the worst of times ! Because it's...
    October 7th, 2016 11:10
  • stars and skies (Amelliawagg) WELCOME AMELIA ~ Thanks for an elegant first poem ~ with a futuristic...
    October 7th, 2016 10:55
  • Crisis (Whimsical_1) THANKS WHIM ~ for a very elegantly written poem pulsating with rhythm and...
    October 7th, 2016 10:42
  • The color of the Roses (Isabella Rose) WELCOME ISABELLA ~ Thanks you for a beautiful Love Poem as your first poem...
    October 7th, 2016 08:49
  • My Soldier in Heaven (Ternic73) Thank you TERESA for another poignant poem in the Military genre. This is...
    October 7th, 2016 08:29
  • Sweet Tea (MadisonHarmony933) Thanks MH ~ nothing beats SWEET TEA for lifting the spirits. This is an...
    October 6th, 2016 13:40
  • hurricane (Avigail) HI SWEETHEART ~ The HURRICANE hitting HAITI ~ CUBA ~ BAHAMAS and now...
    October 6th, 2016 13:34
  • Sand Dollar (WriteBeLight) SAND D0LLARS are fabulous I collect them when I'm in the USA. We don't...
    October 6th, 2016 12:47
  • write (Tony36) OUR POETRY ~ Tony is a window into our MIND and our SPIRIT. That why...
    October 6th, 2016 12:43
    October 6th, 2016 08:58
  • Purple Rain (Bookbag) Thanks you BB for posting this beautiful BIRD SONG here and on my Bird...
    October 6th, 2016 07:25
  • Love is Here (Nickie) WELCOME NICKIE ~ Thanks for a very beautiful and interactive LOVE POEM. ...
    October 6th, 2016 07:06

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