Comments on community poems by BRIAN & ANGELA

  • Synchronicity (Avigail) Thanks AVI we are geared to the Eternal machine of life ! My experience...
    November 13th, 2016 10:51
  • I\'ll Save Myself (EmmaR1) Thanks for the warning EMMA ~ My friend GEORGE had an encounter with a...
    November 13th, 2016 10:46
  • Writting (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ The moving hand doth write and having writ moves on and...
    November 13th, 2016 10:42
  • Peace (Spalacios) WELCOME SPLACIOS (LOVE YOU PEN NAME) Thanks for your very elegant first...
    November 13th, 2016 06:48
  • Hopeless Addiction ([email protected]) WELCOME ANNIE ~ Thanks for your first poem which is very sad and very...
    November 13th, 2016 06:40
  • You Judge Me (Tony36) THANKS TONY ~ The GOOD BOOK says ~ Please don\'t judge others because they...
    November 12th, 2016 10:28
  • vitality containers (Avigail) Thanks AVI ~ You know I am always resonating on your wavelength 24 / 7 ! ...
    November 12th, 2016 10:24
  • Frolick (Christina8) GOOD MORNING CHRIS ~ In all our relationships we ahve to be careful not to...
    November 12th, 2016 10:22
  • ART (Kaychee) THANKS KAY ~ Wonderful poem and a wonderful picture. I have had a few...
    November 12th, 2016 06:56
  • The Blueberry and the Grasshopper (WriteBeLight) GREAT PRESENTATION FRIEND ! I always try to conserve wild life but...
    November 12th, 2016 06:45
  • What\'s The Point (EmmaR1) THANKS EMMA # For a wonderful poem full of common sense and female...
    November 12th, 2016 06:39
  • Life (Mhandrew) WELCOME ANDREW # Thanks for sharing your first poem ! What is Life ? My...
    November 12th, 2016 05:13
  • The Struggle. (Pell) WELCOME PELL ~ Thanks for sharing a very powerful first poem ~ which many...
    November 12th, 2016 05:09
  • He is (Clumsypoet) WELCOME CP ~ Your first poem proves you are not clumsy but a Delicate...
    November 11th, 2016 16:41
  • Blind spots of perception (Avigail) The more places we go ~ The more we listen to \"tell & show\" ~ the more...
    November 11th, 2016 16:25
  • Flowers (Tony36) THANKS TONY ~ That is why we all wear poppies today ~ in memory of the...
    November 11th, 2016 16:22
  • Wrong (SilentLaugh) What a cheek to post in GREEK ~ no prob for me I was born near the Agean...
    November 10th, 2016 11:51
  • Friendship (Christina8) HI CHRISSY ~ Love and bubbly hugs and message through MPS especially for...
    November 10th, 2016 11:27
  • Be Minded (Avigail) THANKS AVI ~ Love and life is all in the mind ~ But in body care ~ home...
    November 10th, 2016 10:55
  • Color Master (Augustus) YOU ARE A GENIUS \"A\" ! Of ART and of Written & Spoken poetry ~ This...
    November 10th, 2016 10:33
  • Accept (Tony36) AMEN TONY ! Never let the world conform you into its mould ut let God...
    November 10th, 2016 08:51
  • Girl in Hiding (BlueiBlondie) THAN YOU BLUEI ~ For a lovely confessional poem of hiding and not sharing...
    November 10th, 2016 06:29
  • The chair (Maryann kousarieh) Ohhhhhhhh MARYANN ~ another sad poem ~ You really need someone to love...
    November 10th, 2016 06:20
  • you (Katelynhintz) WELCOME KATELYN (lovely name) Thank you for your first poem. Delightful...
    November 10th, 2016 04:45
  • The Smile (Christina K) GREAT VISUAL POEM ~ In my experience the older Generation ~ in the UK ~...
    November 9th, 2016 18:33
  • Born Country (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ Oh I wish i was a Country Boy again ~ Cows in the barn ~...
    November 9th, 2016 18:28
  • Let me be me (Harietbrown) WELCOME HARIET ~ Thanks for your first poem. It is well penned with rhjyme...
    November 9th, 2016 17:42
  • Lesson of the elections (Avigail) Thanks AVI in essence both TRUMP and HILLARY were victims of thier own...
    November 9th, 2016 17:18
  • Shall I (Maryann kousarieh) WELCOME MARYANN (lovely name) surely it can\'t really be that bad. The...
    November 9th, 2016 16:08
  • A compliment (Christina8) BEAUTIFUL COMPLIMENT AGAIN CHRIS TO YOUR MAN ! There are so many sad and...
    November 9th, 2016 11:36
  • WALLS (EmmaR1) WELCOME EMMA ~ Thanks for your first poem it is an epic ! Your poem has...
    November 8th, 2016 17:25
  • On Patrol (Ternic73) Thanks TERESA ~ A day in the life of a Patrol on active duty. WE need to...
    November 8th, 2016 14:59
  • Beg me (Mylittleheart) HI ANGEL ~ It happens in Love and Life ~ Thinking of you ~ HUGS BRIAN
    November 8th, 2016 14:54
  • Oceans Deep (Efthimios William Cornelius) THANKS FOR SHARING WILLIAM ~ A very sensuous first poem . I like the way...
    November 8th, 2016 14:43
  • What is Righteousness? (Survivor48) THANK YOU SURVIVOR ~ Each STANZA exemplifies thos who are waling in...
    November 8th, 2016 14:40
  • We shall be free (Tony36) YES INDEED TONY ~ The more we open up to each other the freer we are ~...
    November 8th, 2016 14:34
  • Friendship (Avigail) Thanks PHILOSOPHER ~ wise words ! I\'m glad we a FRIEND opportunity on ...
    November 8th, 2016 11:35
  • His eyes (Christina8) Ohhhhhhh CHRIS ~ This poem is so so beautiful in form and function ! ...
    November 8th, 2016 09:57
  • Aloft (Augustus) THAT\'S MY BOY ! You have every reason to be proud \"A\" Please check...
    November 8th, 2016 08:33
  • Sobriety (Elphaba993) Thanks ELPHABA ! From a Young Lady as beautiful as you are this is very...
    November 8th, 2016 07:08
  • I’m Not Really Sure (Luc D Pierce) HI LUC ~ Love the poem and we can all empathise with your uncertainties ~...
    November 8th, 2016 06:58
  • THIS FEELING RIGHT HERE. (MeraGreen) WELCOME MERA ~ Love the structure and subject of yourfirst poem for MSP. ...
    November 8th, 2016 06:50
  • Clowns with Frowns (WriteBeLight) GREAT POEM WBL ~ Highlighting a modern menace. Clowns have always been a...
    November 8th, 2016 05:27
  • Deadly Deceiving Creatures (Nickie) HI NICKIE ~ Thanks for being my MPS Friend. Yes SATAN has his human...
    November 8th, 2016 05:22
  • A child to sell (WildMoonChild) Thank you MOON CHILD for another perfectly penned poem. I am so pleased...
    November 8th, 2016 05:10
  • Paint me a picture (Nicolerobinson) BEAUTIFUL MESSAGE NICOLE ~ In our minds we all paint pictures of our...
    November 8th, 2016 05:02
  • Wishful Thinking (Larosamarchitada) BUENAS NOCHES LAROSA ~ Gracias for your fist poem and welcome to MPS. I...
    November 7th, 2016 18:22
  • My One True Love (Roxy565) WELCOME ROXY ~ Thanks for your very elegant and epic first poem. When we...
    November 7th, 2016 18:09
  • To an ex-lover (Laxcrosse) WELCOME LAX ~ Thanks for an excellent first poem. ~ elegant in style and...
    November 7th, 2016 15:33
  • Journey--An acrostic (Christina8) THANKS FOR STARTING THiS CHRISSY ~ Some great STANZAS ~ I have posted a...
    November 7th, 2016 14:42
  • There was once a guy, i thought wrong... i made mistakes. (Nicolerobinson) Thanks NICOLE for a very powerful and personal poem. We all find our...
    November 7th, 2016 14:36
  • The Sonnet (DrowningHeart696) WELCOME DH696 ~ Thank you for a very haunting first poem ! Some times...
    November 7th, 2016 14:30
  • Blessed with beauty, Cursed with poison (WildMoonChild) THANK YOU MOON CHILD ~ for a very elegantly written fantasy poem. ...
    November 7th, 2016 14:25
  • Love surrounds (Christina8) CHRISTINA ~ This is so so beautiful it made me cry ! I read it again and...
    November 7th, 2016 10:21
  • insights (Avigail) GOOD MORNING AVI ~ In my experience what you say is true but I get far...
    November 7th, 2016 09:11
  • Empty holes (Mylittleheart) THANKS FOR SHARING MLH ~ These are sentiments most of us can empathise...
    November 7th, 2016 09:06
  • Sometimes (Christina K) Thanks CHRISTINA ~ When we are parted from a Loved One even for a short...
    November 6th, 2016 15:00
  • Perfect (Nicolerobinson) BEAUTIFUL SENSUOUS POEM NICOLE ! For me kissing is one of the most...
    November 6th, 2016 11:18
  • Stop Distractions (Avigail) Ahhhhhh AVI ~ AQUATHERAPY ~ AWESOME ! I teach the value of AQUATHERAPY ...
    November 6th, 2016 10:51
  • Blacksmith Forge (Tony36) THANKS TONY ~ The GOOD BOOK says \"our GOD is like a Refiners Fire ~ AMEN...
    November 6th, 2016 10:33
  • Why Vote? (Augustus) Thanks \"A\" ~ Our system in the UK is different because we do not vote...
    November 6th, 2016 10:23
  • Pig Skin (WriteBeLight) Thanks fro sharing ~ like most of us KICKED from PILLAR to POST ! Please...
    November 6th, 2016 07:19
  • The day we met (WildMoonChild) Good Morning MOON CHILD thanks for sharing another sad episode from your...
    November 6th, 2016 05:15
  • In Justice (Voicesecho88) WELCOME VOICES ~ Thank you for a very thought provoking first poem. In the...
    November 6th, 2016 05:09
  • December\'s Midnight Dream (Melody) WELCOME MELODY ~ Your poems are a Blessing to MPS especially as we move...
    November 5th, 2016 19:29
  • The Artist and his Muse (Ag91) WELCOME AG (chemical symbol for SILVER) tThanks for sharing your first...
    November 5th, 2016 19:08
  • The Friend In You (Keeara45) WELCOME KEEARA ~ We all have an Inner Friend and we should share our...
    November 5th, 2016 18:34
  • Darkness inside me (Kitkat231997) WELCOME KIT ~ Thanks for your elegant poem ~ elegantly written but with a...
    November 5th, 2016 18:28
  • My Cat (Abu Aeesh) WELCOME ALBANI ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ a great tribute to the CAT...
    November 5th, 2016 18:23
  • The River (Christina8) Thanks CHRIS ~ Loved the style ~ structure and subject The beauty of...
    November 5th, 2016 11:52
  • That Girl (Stephanie Showers) THANKS STEPH ~ For caring and sharing. I guess THAT GIRL ~ like all of us...
    November 5th, 2016 09:23
  • Broken (BlueiBlondie) THANKS FOR SHARING ~ BLUEI ~ It is cathartic to share on a loving site...
    November 5th, 2016 09:18
  • flower for peace (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ When GOD created Flowers he made Planet Earth a more...
    November 5th, 2016 08:40
  • Letting go (WildMoonChild) MOON CHILD ~ THANK YOU ! You continue to grace our site with poetry that...
    November 5th, 2016 05:54
  • Butterfly (Amariec_) WELCOME MARIE ~ LOVE YOUR FIRST POEM ~ It is replete with interpretations...
    November 4th, 2016 14:48
  • Paradox? (CryingGame) WELCOME CG ~ Loved the structure and the contradiction of the poem. ...
    November 4th, 2016 14:42
  • Late night smoke (WildMoonChild) HI MOON CHILD ~ HELLO AGAIN ~ Thank you for another excellent poem about...
    November 4th, 2016 09:00
  • Voice of Sweet Reason (Augustus) THANKS \"A\" Tradition is good but we must bring our own personality and...
    November 4th, 2016 08:41
  • The Key (Christina8) Thanks for sharing CHRIS ~ We do live in a very anxious making period in...
    November 4th, 2016 08:35
  • Your love (WildMoonChild) WELCOME MOON CHILD ~ Thank you for a very personal poem with excellent...
    November 4th, 2016 07:10
  • A.M.E.R.I.C.A.N L.E.A.D.E.R.S (BSmooth) THANKS BSMOOTH ~ for a very damning \"single word acrostic\" about (I...
    November 4th, 2016 07:00
  • Bonfire Night (Grange_m) Thanks GRANGE ~ Well penned poem rhyming couplets and rhythm give it...
    November 3rd, 2016 14:43
  • How Do I Love You (Tony36) THANKS TONY ~ You say it best when you say nothing at all.! Love the...
    November 3rd, 2016 14:09
  • Broken Jigsaw piece (Lisa_1991) WELCOME LISA # Love your poem and the song and the video ~ Thanks for...
    November 3rd, 2016 10:21
  • 15 years (Christina8) BEAUTIFUL CHRIS ~ And a wonderful tribute to your lovely (and lucky !)...
    November 3rd, 2016 08:37
  • My Brother From Another Mother (Mina94) WELCOME MINA ~ Thank you for a very moving first poem . It is very ersonal...
    November 3rd, 2016 05:53
  • Bottle of Love (Mminarik00) WELCOME MINARIKOO ~ Thanks for sharing a very personal and moving first...
    November 3rd, 2016 03:00
  • Short days Long nights (Wlwashington91) WELCOME \"W\" Thank you for a very personal and challenging first poem....
    November 2nd, 2016 15:54
  • Once a Beautiful Mind (Sincerelyallee) WELCOME ALLEE ~ Thank you fro a beautifully written poem but with a very...
    November 2nd, 2016 15:46
  • Like A Skunk (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ very neat (if somewhat pongy) POEM ! Please check my...
    November 2nd, 2016 15:05
  • Twisted Emotions (Ternic73) HI TERESA ~ Sorry you feel so so sad ! You know you you can tell me...
    November 2nd, 2016 12:21
  • Spring (Christina8) Thanks CHRISTINA ~ for sharing you experiences in a poem that is beautiful...
    November 2nd, 2016 09:22
  • Lauren\'s Poem (MaxJellison) Welcome MAX ~ Thank you for yuoe first poem ~ very thought provoking poem....
    November 2nd, 2016 07:08
  • Just Me. (Ddraeg) WELCOME DD ~ Thanks you fror an elegant poem in structure and subject. ...
    November 1st, 2016 15:13
    November 1st, 2016 14:58
  • Thoughts on love (Christina8) THANKS YOU CHRIS ~ For a crisp and concise \"Analyse d\'Amour\" ! Despite...
    November 1st, 2016 04:04
  • Compressed, Compacted (Paddy68) WELCOME PADDY ~ Thank you for a very honest first poem. Love the structure...
    October 31st, 2016 18:23
  • Word Of God Speak (Tony36) HI TONY ~ All Scripture (The Bible) is inspired by GOD and is profitable...
    October 31st, 2016 18:14
  • Yatee Yata (Augustus) HI \"A\" ~ Money makes the World go round and we all want our slice of the...
    October 31st, 2016 18:07
  • observation (Avigail) THANKS AVI ~ In my World view ~ GOD does monitor all our actions. He...
    October 31st, 2016 16:02

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