Comments on community poems by BRIAN & ANGELA

  • Peace (DollBaby95) Thanks DOLL for an elegant and inquiring poem. My answer to all you...
    February 3rd, 2017 15:31
  • Giving up (SharonMoemise) AMEN SISTER ~ There is nothing more precious than your Spiritual Soul....
    February 3rd, 2017 15:24
  • Boy and a Bird (Jesse Kuusemets) WELCOME JESSE ~Thanks for yuor first poem a real gem ! When i was young...
    February 3rd, 2017 15:16
  • Victory (Reese Marie) WELCOME REESE ~ Thanks for your first poem very positive and bursting with...
    February 3rd, 2017 11:25
  • untitled (Gingerpuppy) WELCOME GINGER PUPPY (Love your Pen Name !) I enjoyed the personal...
    February 2nd, 2017 18:15
  • 99 bottles of beer on the wall (Willyweed) Very graphic WILLY and you clothe REAL CHILD ABUSE in a fun song ! In the...
    February 2nd, 2017 15:08
  • Destroyed (Christina8) Thanks for sharing CHRIS ~ Tu Felicidad es Mi Felicidad ! I love well...
    February 2nd, 2017 11:13
  • Dragons (Mammyo3) Great POEM MAMMY ~ and a real Family flavour ~ thanks for sharing ! What...
    February 1st, 2017 17:11
  • Silence the Mind (Angel~Wings) BEAUTIFUL LEESHA ~ MEDITATION is always good for cleansing the SOUL and...
    February 1st, 2017 17:05
  • 3 for a nickel, a yardsale poem (Willyweed) WELCOME HOME WILLY ~ We have all missed you. Thanks for three great poems...
    February 1st, 2017 17:01
  • God\'s Handiwork (Shadorma) (Rrodriguez) GRACIAS AMIGO ~ Por un muy hermoso sestet ! The HEAVENS declare the Glory...
    February 1st, 2017 16:55
  • Aliens (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ To Uncle Donald everyone without a valid USA Passport is an...
    February 1st, 2017 14:00
  • Tease (S.L Appleby) Thanks for sharing FRIEND ~ Some of the Ladies I work with are COLLEGE...
    January 31st, 2017 15:29
  • ONE BEAT (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ Thank GOD that He is in essence a TRINITY which forms a...
    January 31st, 2017 15:12
  • trapped (Janetaylor) HIYA JANE ~ Love it when you get all philosophical ~ but what you say (in...
    January 31st, 2017 14:43
  • Emotions (KrissyMarie328) WELCOME KRISSY ~ THANKS FOR YOUR FIRST POEM ~ Which is a good example of...
    January 31st, 2017 14:30
  • Regret (Christina8) Thanks CHRIS for a very thought provoking Poem. \"O yes regrets ~ I\'ve...
    January 31st, 2017 12:10
  • Early Bird. (Fay Slimm.) BEAUTIFUL FAY ~ In the CITY Morning Bird Songs often get drowned out by...
    January 31st, 2017 06:42
  • The Creature (JustinPreyer) WELCOME JUSTIN ~ Thanks for an excellent and enigmatic firs poem....
    January 31st, 2017 05:27
  • The title you find when reading the last word.. (P.H.Rose) Thanks FRIEND for a very thought provoking poem with a sting in the tail !...
    January 31st, 2017 05:19
  • POEM - WORK IN PROGRESS (Michael Edwards) EXCELLENT MICHAEL ~ Thanks for taking time and space to explain the...
    January 31st, 2017 05:10
  • Nursing (Christina8) Thanks for sharing CHRIS and caring. To be a WIFE (like you are !) is...
    January 30th, 2017 10:39
  • Coffee House Thoughts (HalcyonHusky) WELCOME HUSKY ~ Thanks for your first poem which I found challenging ! ...
    January 29th, 2017 18:49
  • Stupid Space Love (Ashesmaths) WELCOME ASHES ~ Thanks for your first poem which I enjoyed because it was...
    January 29th, 2017 17:07
  • Overspill (Mammyo3) Thanks for scaring MAMMY ~ Boys will always be Boys ~ Men (as you know)...
    January 29th, 2017 16:42
  • Forever In A Heart (WriteBeLight) THANKS HONEY ~ Your perfect symbiosis of words and music moved my heart...
    January 29th, 2017 16:36
  • SHE DREAMS (Michael Edwards) Beautiful Painting ~ Beautiful Dream ~ Beautiful Poem ~ Thanks for...
    January 29th, 2017 11:47
  • The Owl and The Evergreen (Elizabeth Eyres) WELCOME ELIZABETH ~ Thanks for a very elegant first poem in rhyme (love...
    January 29th, 2017 11:14
  • In Transit. (Fay Slimm.) Thanks FAY ~ I love your poem because you highlight one of the many...
    January 28th, 2017 18:14
  • gods in motion (Janetaylor) MORNING TEA ~ Very English Jane ! We are all People Watchers ~ especially...
    January 28th, 2017 17:58
  • Loneliness (Seven7) WELCOME SEVEN ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ beautifully structured...
    January 28th, 2017 17:48
  • Housework hell (Mammyo3) THANKS FOR SHARING MAMMY ~ Very well presented poem in neat quatrains ...
    January 28th, 2017 12:43
  • My Beautiful Dove (Rrodriguez) Gracias Amigo Mio ~ My MPS symbol is \"Una Paloma Blanca\" and now you...
    January 28th, 2017 10:21
  • Glue To Heal The Blues (WriteBeLight) Thanks HONEY ~ Two bottles please ! BRIAN
    January 28th, 2017 10:15
  • A Sense OF Love (Notapoet) Thanks for sharing NAP ~ This is an excellent free verse Love Poem ~ full...
    January 28th, 2017 10:11
  • SQUATER\'S RIGHTS (Michael Edwards) Ohhhhhhhhhh MICHAEL ~ I did not expect a LAVATORIAL JOKE from you ! It is...
    January 28th, 2017 08:50
  • Timeless (Philip) Thanks PHILLIP ~ for sharing an elegant first POEM. It is excellent in...
    January 28th, 2017 08:43
  • Mirror (V_s) WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for posing your first poem. The feelings you...
    January 26th, 2017 18:22
  • RED!!! (Brice1232) WELCOME BRICE ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ very powerful ~ RED is...
    January 26th, 2017 14:51
  • utah (Janetaylor) WOW JANE ~ Thanks for one of the most beautiful illustrated scenery poems...
    January 26th, 2017 14:28
  • A short love. (Padders) WELCOME PADDERS Loved your first poem short but sweet. Love is as...
    January 26th, 2017 14:03
  • Drive (Tony36) Grandpas and Vehicles and first driving lessons ~ O Yes I remember it...
    January 26th, 2017 11:02
  • Victim (Jenny1959) GREAT POEM JENNY ~ Very honest and very graphic. It is always cathartic...
    January 26th, 2017 10:59
  • alone (Kai93) WLECOME KAI ~ Lovely Name nad a lovely Photo. Thanks for your first poem....
    January 26th, 2017 10:51
  • Depressed (Christina8) Thanks CHRIS ~ Yes where you live you have real WINTERS with \"shut in\"...
    January 26th, 2017 08:43
  • Poetry poetry poetry (Nicolerobinson) THANKS NICOLE ~ Another great poem ~ straight from your loving heart ! ...
    January 26th, 2017 04:54
  • AND STILL THE CANDLE BURNED (Michael Edwards) MICHAEL ~ Great Poem ~ Great Picture ~ Thanks for sharing. Candles...
    January 26th, 2017 04:51
  • For The Love Of Absence (WriteBeLight) GREAT POEM HONEY ~ And a great truism ~ you can have too much of a good...
    January 25th, 2017 17:02
  • Urgg (Nicolerobinson) Thanks NICOLE for another very revealing poem. I can empathise because I...
    January 25th, 2017 14:56
  • las nubes saben (Janetaylor) GRACIAS JANE ~ Por Las Nubes Saben ! Es una poema muy hermosa y en mi...
    January 25th, 2017 14:48
  • My generation (Evangelist3) Thanks for a great Poem my FRIEND ~ It has tremendous Rhyme & Rhythm ~...
    January 25th, 2017 07:12
  • Blackrock. (Fay Slimm.) Thanks FAY for sharing an elegant poem with a warning message. There are...
    January 25th, 2017 05:59
  • untitled (Kay.eve) WELCOME KAY ~ Thanks for sharing I trust you found it cathartic. Being a...
    January 25th, 2017 05:10
  • Young (Olverasama) WELCOME OLVERA ~ Thanks for your first poem which is both a confession and...
    January 25th, 2017 04:58
  • The Last Embrace (Meggie Gultiano) WELCOME MEGGIE ~ Thanks for a very beautiful and very moving first poem. ...
    January 25th, 2017 04:28
  • My first poem (Yaypoem) WELCOME YAY ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ Short but very much to the...
    January 24th, 2017 18:52
  • If I Could See. (Yellowbee) WELCOME BEE ~ Thanks for your first POEM. I like free verse because it...
    January 24th, 2017 12:12
  • Where are you ? (Evangelist3) Thanks for carin\' HONEY ~ On MPS we are all here for you ~ in SPIRIT ~...
    January 24th, 2017 11:42
  • Country (Augustus) Thanks \"A\" ~ Travelling in the USA there is a lot of difference...
    January 24th, 2017 11:40
  • Sick Day (Christina8) Ohhhhhhhhh CHRIS you are such a HUGGER ~ when people are sick a HUG is...
    January 24th, 2017 11:03
  • Why? (Nicolerobinson) Thanks NICOLE ~ You are a very good poet and WE love you ! The content of...
    January 24th, 2017 08:28
  • WISTOW CHURCH (Michael Edwards) Thanks MICHAL ~ Perfect painting complemented by a perfect poem and...
    January 24th, 2017 06:44
  • What\'s So Funny? (WriteBeLight) Very DROLL ~ HONEY ! You should laff not moan ~ when you wack your FUNNY...
    January 24th, 2017 06:24
  • If You Were Mine (Ron parrish aka wordman) Thanks RON for an elegant poem which is amplified by the excellent song by...
    January 24th, 2017 06:19
  • Rhymes I live by (Evangelist3) WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for a very interesting poem ! It pulsates with...
    January 23rd, 2017 19:14
  • Don\'t Have Doubts (Iamwoman) Thanks FRIEND ~ for sharing a lovely POEM. Each one of us is special and...
    January 23rd, 2017 14:45
  • Life Is (Tony36) YES INDEED TONY ~ Life is ~ all those things and much much more ~ thanks...
    January 23rd, 2017 10:27
  • Step Outside Yourself (WriteBeLight) Thanks HONEY ~ An ODE a la mode. Packaged in nine neat quatrains with...
    January 23rd, 2017 10:25
  • INSIDE AN OYSTER (Michael Edwards) Thanks MICHEAL very droll ~ poignant painting ! Inside an oyster is best...
    January 23rd, 2017 10:17
  • Femme Fatale (Shakerite) Thanks FRIEND ~ We have all been there and sometimes we get bitten ~ hence...
    January 23rd, 2017 10:13
  • She is everything (Perplexed) WELCOME PERPLEXED ~ Thank you for an excellent first poem. Great...
    January 23rd, 2017 10:08
  • Love never stops (Anna10147) WELCOME ANNA ~ Thank you for a very BEAUTIFUL \"free verse\"...
    January 22nd, 2017 18:20
  • DEATH OF A DIVA (Tadpole) WELCOME TADPOLE ~ Thanks for your first poem. It is elegant in its...
    January 22nd, 2017 11:13
  • A Decade of Binge (Edthepoet) WELCOME ED ~ Many thanks for your \"Frank Confession\" in many respects it...
    January 22nd, 2017 10:58
  • Light (WriteBeLight) Thanks HONEY for a beautifully versed and illustrated poem ~ All you poems...
    January 22nd, 2017 10:47
  • I Am (Augustus) Very true \"A\" ~ However \"No MAN is an Island !\" If I ignore your...
    January 22nd, 2017 10:40
  • Her (AshleyBerkelmans) WELCOME ASHLEY ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ An awesome \"free verse\"...
    January 22nd, 2017 10:30
  • Her (AshleyBerkelmans) WELCOME ASHLEY ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ An awesome \"free verse\"...
    January 22nd, 2017 10:30
  • LIMMERICKS, 2 and 3 (Michael Edwards) Thanks MICHAEL ~ I love art and LIMERICKS ~ o you have made my day !...
    January 22nd, 2017 04:36
  • I am (Briancawhite) WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thank you for an excellent first poem ~ in both structure...
    January 22nd, 2017 04:24
  • Heart of Gold (Christina8) Thanks CHRIS ~ You should write that book ~ it would be a best seller ! ...
    January 21st, 2017 11:48
  • Mailbox (Augustus) Thanks for sharing \"A\" ~ They have the same system in Southern Island....
    January 21st, 2017 11:27
  • Motivation. (Francisoben) WELCOME FRANCIS ~THANKS FOR YOUR FIRST POEM ~ Well penned and a...
    January 21st, 2017 09:47
  • Farmer (Tony36) Thanks TONY ~ It sure would fill me with such JOY ~ To simply be a...
    January 21st, 2017 09:19
  • Gone Like The Wind (Leovibes) WELCOME LEO ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ Elegant in Structure ~...
    January 21st, 2017 09:06
  • ESTUARY (Michael Edwards) Thanks MICHAEL for an excellent free verse Poem ~ in triplets ~ and...
    January 21st, 2017 03:16
  • Ballad of Jealousy (Edward_McLucky) WELCOME EDWARD ~ Thanks for your first \"poem\" I trust you found it...
    January 20th, 2017 13:50
  • Lovescape. (Fay Slimm.) Thank you FAY ~ This poem is elegant in both it structure and language....
    January 20th, 2017 12:35
  • Innocence (Briana) AMEN BRIANA ~ A BEAUTIFUL POEM ~ with a message of hope for each of us ~...
    January 20th, 2017 12:29
  • crying (Tony36) AMEN TONY ~ I was brought low and the Lord heard me out of my despair. He...
    January 20th, 2017 12:19
  • My Grandmother\'s Hands (Jenny1959) Thanks JENNY ~ Perfect poem ~ lovely subject. It is true Jenny ~ as you...
    January 20th, 2017 08:29
  • The Science Of Bad Habits (WriteBeLight) EINSTEIN HE SAY ~ All bad habits are relative ! Yours BRIAN Please...
    January 20th, 2017 08:23
  • My Mind is My Poetic Side (Pintu Mahakul) WELCOME PINTU ~ Thank you for your introductory poem ~ very elegant. MPS...
    January 20th, 2017 06:34
  • Winds of time (Ron parrish aka wordman) Thanks WORDMAN for caring and sharing a beautiful reminiscence of a long...
    January 20th, 2017 06:29
  • CONVERGING PATHS (Michael Edwards) GOOD MORNING MICHEAL ~ Thanks for another uplifting poem ameliorated (as...
    January 20th, 2017 06:22
  • Grief..... (P.H.Rose) Thanks FRIEND ~ love your eulogy on GRIEF ~ I have faced \"Death of a...
    January 20th, 2017 06:15
  • Don\'t Worry About Your Gran (Leisa Niamh) WELCOME LEISHA ~ Thanks for sharing you first POEM ~ excellent ! Perfect...
    January 20th, 2017 06:09
  • Beautiful Tragedy (KoffinKat) WELCOME KK ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ which is an excellent example of...
    January 20th, 2017 06:02
  • That time i was There (Trighton) WELCOME TRIGHTON ~ Thanks for your first poem. Very well written ~ Rhyme...
    January 19th, 2017 18:14
  • Eight Lines Tonight / Eight Plus One (Augustus) Thanks \"A\" ~ EIGHT is a magic number in CHINA so maybe you are...
    January 19th, 2017 17:28

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