Comments on community poems by dusk arising

  • What a wonderful time (Renzi) All the time she spenz on hols with her frenz you gotta make...
    September 25th, 2017 17:55
  • Not Yet.. (Fay Slimm.) Beautiful and really moving. Into my favourites.
    September 25th, 2017 17:50
  • Dark Comfort. (Goldfinch60) You do realise you\'re absent mindedly eating biscuits while its still...
    September 25th, 2017 17:46
  • IN DREAMS (Michael Edwards) Bootiful sir! I only wish my dreams were so placid.
    September 25th, 2017 17:40
  • Two Smiles (FredPeyer) Let me greet you with a smile as i pass along the way. For the smile is...
    September 24th, 2017 17:43
  • From the unknown (Poetic Dan) Creating a good musical sound is a great gift and shouldnt be kept hidden...
    September 24th, 2017 17:37
  • Fall From Grace (Christina8) Thats beautiful. Becoming totally smitten.... everything going...
    September 24th, 2017 17:25
  • He played as a monster (Malubotelho) I know you are strong Malu and i know you have a wonderful faith and...
    September 24th, 2017 17:19
  • Lost Yesterdays (Accidental Poet) Oh my album of such memories gets a regular airing. Actual photos enhance...
    September 24th, 2017 16:59
  • The Becoming (Noah) Youre scarey u know that? Nice writing.
    September 24th, 2017 16:56
  • Beauty Revealed. (Goldfinch60) Amen. Lovely words. Spread a little love around.
    September 24th, 2017 16:47
  • Mind Games (FredPeyer) Oh so true.... but when we do are we blinkered?... aha.... ...
    September 24th, 2017 04:29
  • Addiction. (Fay Slimm.) Oh fay... sheer delight in reading your piece today. You\'ve done it yet...
    September 24th, 2017 03:31
  • DORCAS (Michael Edwards) Village life has so much to offer if you join in rather than just live to...
    September 24th, 2017 03:00
  • El Bandito (Edthepoet) And if i ever have a son i\'m gonna name him Sue Yours is a great tale...
    September 23rd, 2017 09:57
  • No More.. (Fay Slimm.) And today we see two nations leaders posturing... ready to commit young...
    September 23rd, 2017 09:48
  • I Got Wood (G84) May you two enjoy many hours of good plucking G84. A nice little...
    September 23rd, 2017 09:15
  • About sex and orgasm (Malubotelho) Beautifully and openly worded Malu. Surprises me how awful some peoples...
    September 23rd, 2017 09:09
  • The Man at the Door. (Goldfinch60) A lady phones me up and makes an arrangement for me to call at a specific...
    September 23rd, 2017 08:06
  • FIRST LOVE (Michael Edwards) Cor! So sweet and charming. Wasn\'t like that for me in the first love...
    September 23rd, 2017 07:55
  • Smoke and Mirrors (Edthepoet) Daft isn\'t meet someone who amazes you in the way you feel about...
    September 22nd, 2017 17:36
  • THE OLD LIGHTHOUSE (Lasergraph) LOL lasergraph... u want old?, boy have we got old ! ....... come...
    September 22nd, 2017 17:29
  • Just memories 📌 (Malubotelho) And you are a wonderful warm and loving person because of your gallery...
    September 22nd, 2017 16:03
  • Seeing the World Differently (Goldfinch60) Oh the blinkers of our own limited reality. Each day we set a mood for...
    September 22nd, 2017 15:48
  • Missing You (FredPeyer) An imagined tragedy in the midst of a flaming love. Really the stuff of...
    September 22nd, 2017 15:41
  • Green. (Wallace) When i was a boy my parents moved me around the country, new school, new...
    September 22nd, 2017 15:36
  • FAIR WARNING (Louis Gibbs) Who let that pussycat in here? Everything must change, tis one of the laws...
    September 22nd, 2017 15:31
  • () NOW you\'ve done it! I\'m blushing.
    September 22nd, 2017 15:26
  • RING RING (Michael Edwards) There\'s a hole in the bucket dear Lisah dear Lisah, There\'s a hole in...
    September 22nd, 2017 15:23
  • Seize Now. (Fay Slimm.) Whatever heaven means to the individual. Some seems to want to claim their...
    September 21st, 2017 17:16
  • Pondering the Question (Noah) Do we con ourselves into believing we know the answers? The more you think...
    September 21st, 2017 17:13
  • The End. (Wallace) All is dark! And you leave your reade hanging in suspense..... wanting...
    September 21st, 2017 17:10
  • Taming of the Beast (Mugsdaddy) You turned this around nicely and quite surprised me. This is a hero gets...
    September 21st, 2017 17:07
  • For those who love ❤️ (Malubotelho) Yes Malubotelho, love is everything and is the acceptance of everything,...
    September 21st, 2017 16:48
  • Goldie and Orchi at Hastings. (Goldfinch60) Quote \"mmm mmm another fine mess you\'ve gotten me into orchi\" ...
    September 21st, 2017 15:22
  • The Door (FredPeyer) Yes we continually move e away from the comfortable room to the next but...
    September 21st, 2017 15:14
  • A day (Myself and me) How does she feel about it? or would she rather bring someone else...
    September 20th, 2017 19:48
  • A Poem For All (Christina8) Wherever beauty leaps out fro my screen i will give thanks and praise in...
    September 20th, 2017 18:17
  • Inner debate (Malubotelho) oooh such pain and anguish ! where is the love ? love doesn\'t dance...
    September 20th, 2017 18:12
  • Becoming Other. (Fay Slimm.) You allowed me to recall the morning i was out looking for mushrooms and...
    September 20th, 2017 17:41
  • Throat Cutting. (Goldfinch60) Ha ha ha your wit doesn\'t need sharpening does it!
    September 20th, 2017 15:44
  • Nobody\'s Fool, a short story (FredPeyer) Great writing Fred in both your literary style and of course content....
    September 20th, 2017 15:35
  • You May Say I\'m A Dreamer (Edthepoet) < the crowd raised Ed onto their shoulders amidst rapturous applause and...
    September 19th, 2017 21:52
  • I Am Free (Christina8) Sc many times i am caught out by somethig which was said or happened in my...
    September 19th, 2017 19:37
  • Always know just enough (Poetic Dan) Older Ladies of grace. I now that serenity of which you speak. Nostalgic...
    September 19th, 2017 19:16
  • Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (Accidental Poet) Now i\'m confused which one\'s tweedle ... dum was it? Mass produced look...
    September 19th, 2017 19:14
  • Monstichs by Fred (inspired by Michael Edwards) (FredPeyer) Each one a thriller waiting to be written..... so many plots... so...
    September 19th, 2017 19:11
  • Stalled. (Fay Slimm.) Yes indeed for all is ready for the roaring fire of passionate love..... ...
    September 19th, 2017 19:08
  • Void of Life (Mugsdaddy) Lived like that for ten years till May this year when i took my size 11...
    September 19th, 2017 18:40
  • Rainbow of Life. (Goldfinch60) Though a rainbow has no end Goldfinch, I think you found the fabled...
    September 19th, 2017 18:06
  • Money Grabber. (Wallace) Ha ha ha.... did the young lady teach you anything? Great story i loved...
    September 19th, 2017 18:01
  • THE BURGESS SHALE (Michael Edwards) Reminded me of the man who ran up expenses of $2 million digging up old...
    September 19th, 2017 17:59
  • Yesterday (Myself and me) Great piece of writing. Made me think back to younger days and ponder upon...
    September 18th, 2017 20:33
  • THE WINDMILL (Lasergraph) Here in UK there are still a few of the really old windmills which still...
    September 18th, 2017 17:20
  • Love for love (Malubotelho) Ah Malubotelho you are indeed a beautiful soul and looks to me you are on ...
    September 18th, 2017 16:45
  • The Gambler (FredPeyer) sings:- i used to be a big shot long time ago had a cadillac and whole...
    September 18th, 2017 16:38
  • Brian (Nicki Jackson) Wot no text message yet.... hmmm i\'m worrying now..... do you...
    September 18th, 2017 16:15
  • Spain (Renzi) Wear ya smile Lose that frown The place is kikkin Renzi\'s in...
    September 18th, 2017 16:13
  • Shine A Light (Edthepoet) Sometimes it just cuts through all the crap we build around ourselves. The...
    September 18th, 2017 15:57
  • Plan B (Accidental Poet) Ah yes that cunningly contrived second plan.... but will they let you...
    September 18th, 2017 13:15
  • Mortal Hellfire (Noah) In my mind i had you writing this as if you were a tomato on a plate of...
    September 18th, 2017 13:12
  • Thinnest Divide. (Fay Slimm.) Go on Fay... dive in... you know you want to! Swim with those...
    September 18th, 2017 13:07
  • Followed in the Night. (Goldfinch60) Do you ever push the words out ahead of you and see where they take you?...
    September 18th, 2017 12:44
  • SHE MONSTICHS (Michael Edwards) A plot in every one of them.... oh ye of multi talents.... only 24...
    September 18th, 2017 06:55
  • DayDreaming ❤ (Karla) Just read your poem and time on my watch is 2.12 am here in UK - good...
    September 17th, 2017 20:14
  • Brian (Nicki Jackson) This is magical writing before my eyes. You see i am in my sixties and...
    September 17th, 2017 20:10
  • Without You (Ron parrish aka wordman) Beautiful words of love for someone special. Will she see them, will she...
    September 17th, 2017 20:03
  • I Wish I Could (Mugsdaddy) Thats when it really hurts isn\'t it. All the love you feel, the one-ness,...
    September 17th, 2017 19:57
  • Moment (Myself and me) Wow yes soooo true. This is quite a deep subject for not only does it...
    September 17th, 2017 19:41
  • Life of love (Poetic Dan) Great poem, and wicked pic. Reading all comments before i make mine i say...
    September 17th, 2017 17:14
  • A Traditional Man (Accidental Poet) Nice one sir! But will 10 year old girls buy it on vinyl? Aww we wont...
    September 17th, 2017 17:08
  • Why? (FredPeyer) Do you really want a diaper already Fred? Is there something you\'re not...
    September 17th, 2017 16:38
  • Singing. (Goldfinch60) I share your taste in shirts. Actually we do have quite a bit in common....
    September 17th, 2017 16:34
  • MORE THAN. (Fay Slimm.) WOW Fay that is tremendous! Held me breathless as i read it thru (cept i...
    September 17th, 2017 16:29
  • Electric Blue. (Wallace) Sad loss shouts out from your words. Well written piece of loss grief. If...
    September 17th, 2017 16:05
  • Space (Kailie Jackson) How unimportant do you want to be??? Man goes to opticians, optician...
    September 17th, 2017 12:10
  • Make Us Laugh (W c) Yes i agree.... i know i\'m already doing my bit. Good to read.
    September 17th, 2017 12:06
  • LIMERICK 43 (Michael Edwards) I used to visit the Gower every month of the year, a favourite area with...
    September 17th, 2017 11:28
  • Embrace the remembering (Poetic Dan) To all men i think motherhood is amazing. The unconditional love involved...
    September 16th, 2017 21:34
  • One (Arazimus) Aaaah that god-spun draft wafting through our lifes. Your words bring to...
    September 16th, 2017 11:02
  • Humanities Redemption (John Prophet) The answer is of course \'yes\'. Provokative writing there. Please comment...
    September 16th, 2017 10:53
  • The first time (Pr3ttyshad0ws) LOL i really enjoyed your first time you poetic minx. You are a fine...
    September 16th, 2017 06:36
  • Slave (FredPeyer) All too easily the ladies forget that inside every gentleman is the lusty...
    September 16th, 2017 06:28
  • Saturday Mornings (Accidental Poet) Oh what a treasure you\'ve unearthed here my friend. For we all have those...
    September 16th, 2017 06:24
  • Winter (G84) Winter is my time too, but here in UK it would have been nice to have had...
    September 16th, 2017 06:14
  • Buzzard (Noah) \"Stuck like blood on the sheet\" and \"Keep them all from loving...
    September 16th, 2017 06:11
  • I\'ll Be Seeing You. (Goldfinch60) Needless to say that i\'m familiar with Billie Hilliday\'s work. I read...
    September 16th, 2017 02:12
  • HIS PICTURE GONE (Michael Edwards) A sad tale of loss and sorrow. Beautifully painted picture of words...
    September 16th, 2017 00:09
  • Ghost in my age (ScatterMax) Good piece of writing there. Succinct! Is it heartfelt or imagined? Beware...
    September 15th, 2017 23:51
  • Somebody (Lanaevans) Why should somebody help you? Answer that and you\'ll realise you dont...
    September 15th, 2017 22:16
  • Countryside Life (JamieDayDream) Is your loneliness within or without? Would you feel less lonely in a...
    September 15th, 2017 22:13
  • Heading out (Arazimus) Isolation is a remedy but not the cure. Break out, or rather break back...
    September 15th, 2017 22:00
  • One With The Universe (John Prophet) I\'m inclined to be in agreement with comments made by Seek above. Nice...
    September 15th, 2017 21:58
  • I have it together with my address book and calendar. (Bethgaines62678) Those two are great companions when your pals are always in touch and...
    September 15th, 2017 21:40
  • My Praises to The Lord (ForeverJesus7) Is this the same lord in charge of famine? The one in who\'s image...
    September 15th, 2017 21:37
  • Follow Thy Elsewhere (Seek) Way over my head is this. I\'m still at jack and jill went up the hill...
    September 15th, 2017 21:34
  • Residency Restoration (Orchidee) More tea vicar?
    September 15th, 2017 21:27
  • My Poetic Side (Lasergraph) Well there Mr Lasergraph i think every one of us has at some stage paid...
    September 15th, 2017 21:23
  • Turtles on a log (WL Schuett) This is a delight to read. nuff said?
    September 15th, 2017 21:19
  • Homeless (W c) Yep, been there done that. It won\'t leave you. Fresh out of the shower...
    September 15th, 2017 21:15

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